• I love/hate finding bits of wisdom before I am supposed go to sleep.

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  • 9/9 Check-In

    On 2/2 I began my year-long journey to create life long habits for myself and throw in some fun intentions as well. The plan is to check in every month to monitor my progress. How did I do since my last check-in on 8/8? Nutrition…

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  • Disappointment

    Once again I have logged off from the work machine here in my home. After taking a break, and eat some dinner, I sit back down in the same chair that I have been parked at for nine hours earlier in that day. But all…

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  • Reminders

    Read everyday Spend time with nature. Ask questions Never stop learning Don’t pay attention to what others think of you Do what interests you the most Study hard Teach others what you know Make mistakes and learn It’s okay to not know everything

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  • selcouthist

    noun  ‘sel-, küth -ist : One who encounters the strange and unfamiliar with a boundless sense of wonder and awe.

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  • The Unusual

    “Live the full life of the mind, exhilarated by new ideas, intoxicated by the romance of the unusual.”

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  • Khmer Empire Hypothesis

    Since my research on the Khmer empire of Cambodia seems to be in a bit of a lull right now and have been unable to articulate it into text properly, I want to go ahead and put my hypothesis out in public. I have yet…

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  • 8/8 Check-In

    On 2/2 I began my year-long journey to create life long habits for myself and throw in some fun intentions as well. The plan is to check in every month to monitor my progress. How did I do since my last check-in on 7/7? Nutrition…

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  • Meditation Alternatives

    “You need not meditate; just close your eyes and sleep or think about one of your fun moments in life.” Is there an alternative for meditation besides sitting on a zafu, legs crossed and chanting “om?” Yes, there is. Staring through the window One of…

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  • “Competition…

    …is for losers.” I told the trainee today. The new guy was asking for advice on how to get his productivity up and how to beat his fellow trainees. So I continued: When you try to beat other people, you set yourself up to fail.…

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  • A Different Approach

    “Good Will Hunting” movie fans will remember the bar scene where the campus know-it-all is confronted about his knowledge of the evolution of the market economy in Massachusetts’s southern colonies. Though the guy speaks confidently, Will reminds him he’s quoting passages from a book. “You…

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  • How I Learn and Think

    Way back when I was in school and university, I had to read quite a bit of material prescribed by teachers and professors. Today, I still read many books and white papers but these are determined solely by my curiosity or even fun. I am…

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