• Crazy Weekend

    Halloween, full moon, Daylight savings time, Dia de los muertos, Nanawrimo, No-shave November and the last installment of my monthly journeys. What a crazy weekend and looking forward to a great November.

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  • You Are Invisible To Me

    Did you know that almost every website you view has anywhere from 2-30 tracking codes that report all sorts of data known about you? I’ve been taking steps to shield my privacy and in turn, have always tried to reduce it here on my website…

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  • 10/10 Check-In!

    On 2/2 I began my year-long journey to create life long habits for myself and throw in some fun intentions as well. The plan is to check in every month to monitor my progress. How did I do since my last check-in on 9/9? Nutrition…

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  • Polaroid vs Instax

    With the desire to embrace analog photography, I have also explored instant film too. I grabbed my old Polaroid 600 and expired film for some less than pleasing results such as low contrast and faded colors. This is understood and acceptable even the film expired…

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  • Second Brain

    A few months ago I stumbled upon the terms “bi-directional links”, “back links”, and “networked thought.” All designed to enhance research and note-taking. Since then I’ve installed two new productivity apps to help with my research. More later as I do a deep dive into…

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  • Highs Without Lows

    Meditation Gratitude Prayer Journaling Unconditional love Yoga Exercise Play Walking in nature Creating art Reading Singing Practicing a craft Pursuing curiosity

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  • Star Search

    “If people sat outside and looked at the stars each night, I’ll bet they’d live a lot differently.” While taking my morning walk, The sky was amazing.

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  • The greatest curse brought down on us by technology is that it prevents us from escaping the present even for a brief time.

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  • Fourteen More Reminders

    Delete your social media Cancel your television subscription Read books. Paper, digital or both. Learn something new with that free time earned back from media, social media. More creating, less consuming. Stop buying the shiny new toy and play with the ones you have first.…

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  • Autumn

    Sleep, nap, rest B+W movies Hiking, wandering Camping Meditation Comfort food Reading

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  • Wander to Wonder

    Solvitur ambulando. Solving problems by walking and thinking.

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  • Musing

    “I am my own muse. I am the subject I know best. The subject I want to know better.” – Frida Kahlo

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