• Vote For Nobody

    There are scenes in the Richard Pryor movie, Brewster’s Millions, where a man comes into a gob of money but needs to spend it all to inherit even more. He decides to spend it on a campaign for mayor of New York City and runs…

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  • Should Birmingham Use Social Media?

    Is it ready? How many of you knew that there is a small festival going on in downtown Birmingham this weekend? Raise your hands. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? How many knew that there were 2, maybe even a third festival going on this weekend? How did…

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  • links for 2007-09-27

    Razor GoMojo Web – Login TwitterMail.com – 2684 people sent 27938 messages to Twitter! (tags: twitter email tools mashup mail web2.0 communication tool)

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  • Feeding & Digesting

    For a few years now, I have ingested ginormous amounts of content from the internet through RSS feeds I have subscribed to over 300 website’s RSS feeds. This prevents me from visiting each website individually and aggregates them into my feed reader of choice, which…

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  • Radio Killed The Radio Star

    Since moving to Birmingham 5 years ago, I have seen/heard my fair share of radio station changes and personalities (used to be called disc jockeys). As corporate radio takes over the Birmingham airwaves and infects them with syndicated radio shows, I think Birmingham suffers. Even…

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  • links for 2007-09-26

    Snap-Shot-City, an urban photographic treasure hunt. (tags: photo art photography community social project fun) Cross Processing in Photoshop – color negative art effect | PhotoshopSupport.com (tags: photoshop tutorial photography howto processing cross tutorials) Bhamdining.com

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  • go mojo

    go mojo, originally uploaded by Photo-Mojo. My new Life Is Good long sleeve tee. GOes with my personal theme of Go Mojo, no?

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  • Cuckoo For Yahoo

    I’ve been a big fan of Yahoo services for quite awhile now but have been lured by other web apps for comparison. In an attempt to "go back" to Yahoo, I will try to use nothing but Yahoo services for one month. Here’s what I…

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  • links for 2007-09-22

    Welcome | Kelby Training (tags: photoshop training) Lighting Essentials for Photographers: Learn to light like a pro. Tutorials, images, diagrams, ideas, tools, and interviews with photographers of every discipline. Portrait, glamour, advertising, architectural and wedding photography lighting examples. (tags: art camera flash photo photography photos…

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  • Double Dumbass-ness

    If, when you are dining in a restaurant or shopping, please refrain from using the walkie-talkie feature of your Nextel phone. No one wants to hear that #$@^& chirp sound, nor the ensuing conversation. Also, the mic picks up your voice. You don’t have to…

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  • The Locals

    Even though I have met tons of new people and have sneaked my way into various people networks, there are still a few folks to see. Here are a few peeps I haven’t met yet but read their blogs. There are also places to discover…

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  • links for 2007-09-21

    My soup home · LOLCODE (tags: programming humor funny lolcats geek code language) America at Home 7 Days (tags: photography photos flickr home marketing) Sidewalk Moving Picture Festival – Yahoo! MapMixer 250m 1056ft Underlying Map ©2007 Yahoo! Inc. Data ©Navteq,TeleAtlas National Parks & State Parks…

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