Feeding & Digesting

For a few years now, I have ingested ginormous amounts of content from the internet through RSS feeds I have subscribed to over 300 website’s RSS feeds. This prevents me from visiting each website individually and aggregates them into my feed reader of choice, which is currently Feed Demon. In the past I have tried most readers and really liked Bloglines and Google Reader. Feed Demon is paid desktop software while the other 2 are free web-based apps. But it is your choice in how you want to be served!

So what do I do with all 300 websites that generate on average 3 posts a day each? How does anyone assimilate and digest that much mental food? Let me clarify here: I don’t read ALL of them. In fact, I scan over a few posts to find anything of interest. When I do find something relevant and noteworthy, I’ll read it and use it. If I can’t use it then,  I will flag or save that post for future reference. Think of it as a bookmark to go back to when you have the time or pass on the second helping, thanks.

Also, when flagging for future use, I will highlight a link and tag & save it to my Delicious bookmarks, again, insuring that I will see it and use it.

So when picking through the buffet of web content I chose the finest morsels, feeds that will enrich me and make my world more productive and fun. According to Feed Demon, my top ten feeds I pay attention to (this week) are:

1.      Lifehacker

2.      Mashable

3.      Cybernet Technology News

4.      Boing Boing

5.      Webware.com

6.      TechCrunch

7.      Web Worker Daily

8.      The Terminal

9.      Laughing Squid

10.  Read/Write Web

If I want to see what is going on in the internets, I can view all of the aggregated Popular Topics from the past 48 hours (as of 9/26) according to all of my feeds.

1.      MySpace launches free mobile service

2.      Sketchcast blogging tool

3.      WordPress 2.3 released

4.      Diigo social annotation tool

5.      Microsoft plans to invest in Facebook

6.      One Laptop Per Child

When feeds include audio or video podcasts, you can bet that they are either consumed on my desktop or transferred to my iPod so I can feed while on the go. Get your brain fed while you work out or commute to work!

That is one of the arguments for RSS feeds: Your news brought to you and consumed by you in the manner and times of your choosing.

Want to subscribe to the Mojo Network feeds that delivers content to you? Add this link from Combo Mojo to your feed reader and enjoy!

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