• Election Night

    I had the privilege of working with my good friend Andre of  The Terminal last night to cover one of the most critical mayoral races of our time. Birmingham voters went to the polls yesterday to elect their choice of leadership that started 10 candidates…

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  • links for 2007-10-09

    Babygadget (tags: stuff gadget blog shopping kids gadgets toys parenting blogs)

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  • Vulcan Trail Stroll

    On Sunday, the Denbows decided to enjoy the nice weather and take a stroll on the Vulcan Trail. We brought the camera, of course and snapped a few pics off using the fisheye lens attachment. The daughter was asleep through the whole thing. She’ll get…

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  • links for 2007-10-07

    iheard (tags: radio music search internet free online)

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  • links for 2007-10-05

    Child’s Art Studio of Photography Andy Harp, former IPSA Online Video Guide LiberatedFilms (tags: video film movies indie community web2.0) The10BestFoodsYouAren’tEating – MensHealth Magazine (tags: food health nutrition fitness lifehacks reference eating) The Best Collaboration Tools | Tech Magazine (tags: collaboration tools business management tool…

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  • links for 2007-10-04

    Think for Yourself, Defy Convention, Read a Banned Book kuler (tags: color design webdesign tools adobe colour graphics inspiration ajax application AIR) New online crime map available – The Terminal (tags: Birmingham Alabama Terminal)

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  • IPSA- Email Hell

    Thursday, October 4, 2007 11:30am – 1pm(Networking 11:30-noon; Program noon – 1pm)McWane Science Center, Special Events RoomFree To Attend Are you in Email Hell? Know someone who is? Then make plans to attend this engaging session to learn the secrets of escaping Email Hell. Our…

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  • -ing

    Reading- Girls- An Owner’s Manual Watching- Heroes and The Office. Excellent shows while waiting for Lost and Battlestar Galactica to come back on. Listening- to Led Zeppelin box set on the iPod Doing- working on photos with my baby girl around my neck Eating- breakfasty…

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  • links for 2007-10-01

    The Podcast Network (tags: podcast podcasting podcasts audio mp3 radio ipod) rsizr – intelligent image resizing (tags: image resize photo editor online photography tools) Mobile Wallpaper for Social Networking fans – a photoset on Flickr (tags: geek mobile network Socialnetwork social wallpaper)

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  • All That Jazz

    Congratulations to Leah Tucker and the Alabama Jazz Hall of Fame for putting on a fantastic all-day jazz festival this weekend. Saturday’s crowds beat the heat with good food and great music. There was easily 5,000 people on one street at any given time which…

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  • links for 2007-09-29

    Pixamo – Photo and Video storage : Photo sharing : Video sharing : Log In (tags: sharing photography photo pixamo socialnetworking)

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  • New User Groups for Birmingham

    As many of you know I am a big fan of online media and use it extensively. I want to bring to your attention 3 new groups that will allow you to share your digital media with Birmingham. Jumpcut- The Magic City Video group showcases…

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