• A Shrill Cry

    Daphne is learning to find her voice. At first it was cute and encouraged because she was singing to daddy. Now it is the shrill shrieks similar to the ring wraiths from The Lord of the Rings movie series. I’m concerned some well-meaning neighbors may…

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  • Get Lost

    In preparation for the 4th season premiere of Lost on 1/31, I recently added season 3 to our DVD collection and consumed it. Not content with that, I am wrapping up season 2 again as well. I had forgotten some of the character’s background stories…

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  • Refreshment

    Today was a good physical day for me and I’m loving it. After a great lunch, I made my way out to the Moss Rock Preserve and hiked a little over 7 miles and even managed to scramble up a few boulder fields. Be sure…

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  • A Fresh Start

    I think I have finally kicked the sickness that has pestered me since Christmas 2007. Exactly one month ago I had a bad cough/sore throat/congestion that wouldn’t leave. Each day was filled with a cough, sinus pressure and blah, blah blah…anyway, I was sick. Every…

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  • Firebrand

    No other way to describe this site other than a YouTube for advertisements. Who watches advertisements willingly except during the Super Bowl? Now we do. Check out Firebrand’s great website and user interface. View, send to email, embed and even download (who downloads ads on…

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  • Mixed Blessings

    Daphne is almost 5 months old now and is my pride & joy. She is rolling over, wants to stand on her own (with me holding her under her arms just for balance), sings gibberish to me, sits up and even eats baby cereal with…

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  • links for 2008-01-26

    BirminghamDome.com – News and Info on Birmingham, Alabama’s quest for a Domed Stadium Smashing Magazine (tags: design webdesign magazine)

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  • links for 2008-01-25

    Twitter Fan Wiki / Apps (tags: twitter wiki web2.0 software tools apps) Fake Name Generator – Get a Random Name (tags: identity generator)

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  • Safe Baby Handling Tips

    Being a new father means that not only do I look after myself and Wonderwife, I have to protect my  new bundle of joy too. Well, thanks to the Wry Baby company, they offer more than a few do’s & don’ts that are so simple,…

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  • links for 2008-01-24

    The Turning Gate Home – Lightroom Community Help – BETA – Adobe Learning Resources Lightroom Journal (tags: lightroom photography blog adobe software photoshop)

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  • Little By Little…

    … that is the progress I am making toward completing my goal of offering various content to the digital world. A lot of it is personal crap that edifies only myself or family. Some of it could be beneficial to anyone else. Who knows? I’ve…

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  • links for 2008-01-22

    ShowYourself Widget (tags: web2.0 widget identity badge)

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