• I Would Use These…

    Pickup Lines to UseWhile Moving. BY ALISON ROSEN – – – – “Nice shoes. Wanna put them in that box over there?” “Is that a mirror in your pocket? Because the movers are going to be here soon, so we should put it in bubble…

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  • Life Imitates Art

    As an aficionado of good music and blues, I was struck by how odd that 2 of my favorite songs on the Blues Brothers soundtrack have to do with our lives in a span of one week. This past weekend we visited Chicago (Sweet Home…

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  • Storage Sneak Peek

    Packing the boxes isn’t enough. Taking them downstairs is the hard part!

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  • Hell Week

    Crunch time here at Casa de Mojo. We’re wrapping up our keep/sell/trash mode by selling a lot of stuff on Craigslist, garage sales and even a Twitter sale. Our packing is ongoing as boxes are scarce. Apparently I am in an unspoken contest for boxes…

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  • Innovation & Adoption

    Is it me or is there very little new, creative & innovative web technologies being cranked out lately? There are tons of services with almost all of them mimicking each other and very few standouts such as Flickr, Delicious, WordPress etc. Why are we using…

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    **UPDATE** Sold: deep freezer, sofa, chairs. Ladder is spoken for. Thanks gang, keep em coming! We’ve had a garage sale and listed these items on Craigslist and got a lot of inquiries & hits. So far no takers, which is odd. Good prices on good…

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  • Got My Mojo Workin'

    Buddy Guy, originally uploaded by Photo Mojo. After seeing Buddy Guy rocking the City Stages music festival this past weekend, my blues lovin’ self is back. It never went away, it just means I will add more blues back onto my ipod again and resubscribe…

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  • Boo!

    Wonderwife had turned on the television to unwind after our moving sale Saturday and stopped the channel flipping on a showing of Pixar’s animated movie, Monsters Inc. What stopped us was the fact that monsters are supposed to scare children and the child on screen…

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  • Condom Commercial

    Just in time for Father’s Day…okay, I giggled like a little girl and I don’t know why.

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  • What a Big Girl!!!

    What a Big Girl!!!, originally uploaded by eagerlittlemind. Happy Father’s day to me from Daphne.

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  • My First Father's Day

    There cannot be enough positive adjectives to describe how I feel when I say how happy I am to have Daphne in my life. She brings me so much joy. Without shame or pretense, I have to say that she is the cutest baby I…

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  • Allie-Bama

    Yesterday we said goodbye to Allie, our 7 yr old family dog. We had her since she was a little puppy in Missouri. When we decided to move to Texas next month, we knew we could not take her with us and it broke our…

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