• Teach Your Children Well

    With the latest update and release of the open source operating system Edubuntu, little Daphne now has a computer of her very own. Edubuntu is built on the Linux Ubuntu system and is designed for educational functions. Used by students (pre-k through 12) and teachers alike, it…

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  • Daphne’s iPod

    Anyone who is a parent understands that when a toddler decides that something is theirs, you suddenly lose ownership of it. This is the way it is with my family. Daphne  has decided to claim the iPod Touch we own. I’ve added a page of…

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  • Photographer’s Weekend

    This weekend Daphne and I spent a lot of time together while WonderWife went to a ladies retreat at church camp. First up was the Katy Photographer Meetup where we walked around La Centerra. The challenge was a point & shoot shootout using only PnS cameras and…

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  • #14 and 19 Anniversaries

    This is anniversary week with the Denbows. WonderWife and I are celebrating 14 years of marriage today and 19 years all together on the 5th. I first met Jenny in 1991 at a McDonald’s in Tulsa. It sounds cliché but I knew instantly that I…

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  • 185-15 = Content

    185 is my current weight and the ideal weight would be 160. 15 pounds is not a lot to ask, really. I’m more concerned about regaining lost muscle and better air/blood flow. Today I completed week one and day 3 of the Couch To 5k…

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  • Working At Playing

    I recently forgot what it is to be a human: to enjoy life and the pursuit of happiness. I forgot I was supposed to be helping people. I’m so concerned about getting “just the right shot” and forgot that photography is supposed to enjoyable. I…

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  • Roller Coaster

    I am extremely tired of riding the emotional roller coaster. Up & down, thrown for a curve. Up & down, upside down. I want to get off of this ride, please

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  • The Art of Relaxation

    I had mentioned in a previous article about my desire to relieve stress from my world. I wanted to share some tools I have discovered that may be useful to others. I started off with my basic issue of sleep deprivation and discovered some great apps for…

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  • The Art of Relaxation

    I had mentioned in a previous article about my desire to relieve stress from my world. I wanted to share some tools I have discovered that may be useful to others. I started off with my basic issue of sleep deprivation and discovered some great apps for…

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  • Wasted

    I cannot tell you how much time and energy have been wasted on things that do not matter. I can tell you that this will change starting now. I am tired of missing opportunities because I haven’t been prepared. Details to come as soon as…

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  • Homeless

    I’ve got a roof over my head. My family is healthy and beautiful. I have so much to be thankful for. What I mean by homeless is that I feel like I’ve lost my way these past few years. Spiritually I am homeless as well…

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  • Taking Advantage

    Smart people plan ahead for whatever economic issues are going on. In times of plenty and poverty we should always be thinking of opportunities to generate more income. I am not talking about get rich quick schemes or programs to help you live the life…

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