• Digital Minimalism

    I’m currently reading four books at once. Bad idea but the public library had all the desired books I had on hold ready to go and they are all on heavy demand. Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport is one of them. I really wanted to…

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  • Who’s Rules?

    “I didn’t write the rules — why should I follow them?”                                                    – W. Eugene Smith

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  • Offline

    Since I am no longer subscribed to an internet service at home, I have been relying on public WiFi and my phone’s hot spot. This has been challenging for me, especially since I need a connection for my continuing education. I just remembered today that…

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  • Now Developing

    Picking up the Python programming language is going smoother than most of the other languages I have attempted to learn so far. If I am going to become a full stack developer I need to get in the habit of using best practices such as……

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  • Unusually Ordinary

    If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary. – Jim Rohn

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  • A Simpler iPad Photo Workflow

    Following up on my previous post about editing photos with the iPad and VSCO workflow, I wanted to add some even more simple tools. The iPad and it’s Photos app have some very basic editing tools and help simplify your workflow.   When I import my…

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  • iPad + VSCO Workflow

    The advancement in digital photographic technology has come a long way, baby. When I acquired my first digital camera 18 years ago the post processing was minimal and the software was expensive. More recently, I’ve converted from a Nikon and Compact Flash adapter to desktop…

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  • Wasted Time

    “It is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it. Life is long enough, and a sufficiently generous amount has been given to us for the highest achievements if it were all well invested.” – Seneca

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  • New Year Old Me “ I wanted to start over. I wanted a new life. The trouble was, I brought myself with me.” – Dean Ford

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  • 2019 Reading Goals Now that I have completed my reading goal of fifty books this year, I am already making plans on next year’s goals. It won’t be fifty. It may be less than half that, I am not sure. The reasons are many but…

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  • Distraction-Free Reading

    When and how does anyone make the time? The simple answer is deliberately. There are plenty of mind-numbing, time-wasting activities out there but who wouldn’t want to get something out of it? One helpful tip is that “Airplane Mode” on your device works just as…

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  • Mind Mapping

    I’ve recently re-discovered the app MindNode, an app that helps diagram ideas and thoughts in a visual way. Here’s an example of what a basic mind map structure looks like: Just a simple diagram I generated about mind-mapping and why I use MindNode instead of…

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