• Discovery

    “I can’t begin to tell you the things I discovered while I was looking for something else.”

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  • Creative Storage

    “ You must be constantly adding to your store. For this purpose you create… principally upon your own impressions, feelings and experiences. You also acquire material from life around you, real and imaginary, from reminiscences, books, art, science, knowledge of all kinds, from journeys, museums…

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  • Work In Progress I’ve been negligent lately in my research for the story I want to create. I haven’t, however, been completely disengaged according to all the notes and ideas jotted down. I don’t want to half-ass this but other responsibilities are taking over too.…

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  • Pleasant Distractions

    These are the pleasant distractions currently occupying my attention in no particular order… My secret, ambitious book project hikery portrait photography projects re-learning javascript, html5, CSS building my photography group re-building my server wandering writing more for my website audio/video updates on my progress

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  • Pleasant Distractions

    These are the pleasant distractions currently occupying my attention in no particular order… My secret, ambitious book project hikery portrait photography projects re-learning javascript, html5, CSS building my photography group re-building my server wandering writing more for my website audio/video updates on my progress

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  • Call Me Ishmael

    Researching the three main tent poles to a story that’s been in my head for about a decade. Historical adventure/mystery, the science behind the story, and an exotic location. My brain hurts and I need sleep but don’t want to lose momentum. Bring snacks and…

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  • Lost

    “The greatest hazard of all, losing one’s self, can occur very quietly in the world, as if it were nothing at all. No other loss can occur so quietly; any other loss – an arm, a leg, five dollars, a wife, etc. – is sure…

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  • 3/3 GHR Check-In!

    Time to evaluate my progress for my Groundhog Resolutions, the 10th annual attempt at creating life-long habits for myself. I’ve discovered that right after the end of the year holidays I am not mentally or physically capable of sticking with resolutions for the upcoming new…

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  • Deep/Dark Web Exploration

    The Dark Web sounds nefarious and scary but with the right tools, and a balls of brass, I can access and browse safely.  The deep/dark web refers to web sites that hide their web address and is only accessible by using encrypted tools like the…

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  • Top Secret GORP Recipe

    Excellent for hiking, geocaching, and general fuckery popcorn peanuts almonds pecans dried cranberries dark chocolate bits white chocolate bits Chex granola Pro tip: Use hot popcorn to melt the chocolatey bits.

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  • v.45

    It’s my 45th birthday. Version 44 was a shitty iteration and 2017 was a shitty year. Time to upgrade. 175 That is my target weight goal. Eat lean and train mean. I don’t simply want to eat right and lose weight. I want nutrition and…

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  • v. 45

    It’s my 45th birthday. Version 44 was a shitty iteration and 2017 was a shitty year. Time to upgrade. 175 That is my target weight goal. Eat lean and train mean. I don’t simply want to eat right and lose weight. I want nutrition and…

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