• Soda Free

    After more than a few weeks (lost track of days) I think I’ve kicked the soda pop habit. I still have cravings, headaches and withdrawals from the cold, sweet concoction but have resisted. I’ve been managing with a lot of water and soda water. So…yay…

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  • Create vs. Consume I am reading and curating a lot lately for various reasons. Inspiration, mostly but also for reflection and knowledge. What I am not doing lately is creating. I learn better by doing but haven’t been inspired yet. This doesn’t make sense. I’m…

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  • Create vs Consume

    I am reading and curating a lot lately for various reasons. Inspiration, mostly but also for reflection and knowledge. What I am not doing lately is creating. I learn better by doing but haven’t been inspired yet. This doesn’t make sense. I’m torn. Should  I…

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  • Scrivener

    While reading through some inspirational articles on writing, I came across a recommendation for the Scrivener book-writing software. While it is geared mostly towards Mac users there is a passable Windows version. This software is more like a workstation than just a word processor but…

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  • Noted

    “Five hundred years later, Leonardo Da Vinci’s notebooks are around to astonish and inspire us. Fifty years from now, our own notebooks, if we work up the initiative to start writing them, will be around to astonish and inspire out grandchildren, unlike our tweets and…

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  • Noted

    “Five hundred years later, Leonardo Da Vinci’s notebooks are around to astonish and inspire us. Fifty years from now, our own notebooks, if we work up the initiative to start writing them, will be around to astonish and inspire out grandchildren, unlike our tweets and…

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  • The Life Of  A Project

    I’m somewhere between “harder than I thought” and “This is gonna take some work”. 

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  • I’m somewhere between “harder than I thought” and “This is gonna take some work”.

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  • And Action!

    How beneficial is all this research I am doing for various projects if if I’m not willing to apply it? I tend to overthink and research topics to the point I am overwhelmed and paralyzed into inaction. I will do a little more research and…

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  • And Action!

    How beneficial is all this research I am doing for various projects if if I’m not willing to apply it? I tend to overthink and research topics to the point I am overwhelmed and paralyzed into inaction. I will do a little more research and…

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  • Tools

    Attempts at putting ten year old thoughts and plots into a novel is frustrating. Finding the right/write tools even more so. They matter and then they don’t.

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  • Discovery

    “I can’t begin to tell you the things I discovered while I was looking for something else.”

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