• Meditation

    I’m finding small ways to lower stress and enhance my calm such as meditating. I would suggest a minimum of 2 minutes in a quiet spot and focus on breathing, nothing else.  I use my Android’s built in timer but you can simply use whatever…

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  • Groundhog Day Resolution 4/4 Check-In

    This is my second check-in of GHR 2013. By now, most people have abandoned their NYE resolutions and that is where GHR comes in for me. So, on with my resolutions. Relocate back to Houston Texas Drop and lose 5 pounds a month for 4 months Learn…

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  • Freedom

    The minute I stopped caring about what other people thought and started doing what I wanted to do is the minute I finally felt free.

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  • Signal vs. Noise

    The signal-to-noise ratio is measured by comparing the level of a desired signal to the level of background noise. A lot of people on the web, myself included, are comparing the level of desired information to the level of distractions. How can we possibly filter…

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  • Today

    Sick on a cold grey day is a great excuse to stay in bed.

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  • Physically Challenged

    So I recently turned 40. I also just weighed myself at 197.6 pounds. Let’s round up to 198. This is the heaviest I’ve ever been. On a 5’7” frame…that’s a lot of BMI. In the past, I’ve participated in a few adventure races and loved…

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  • Reboot ∞

    To “reboot” means to discard all previous continuity and start over with fresh ideas. To scrap everything and start over with fresh ideas and perspectives. Previous posts (2005-2012) have been archived. This is my reboot and constant web evolution.

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