• The Road To Recovery Is A Trail

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  • The Best Laid Plans

    Where did they go? Its been a long five years since I’ve lost a lot. I have been doing everything else trying to get back to that life by taking on the odd job here and there and doing things I am not interested in.…

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  • 17 + 22

    Today, May 4th marks the 17th anniversary that I married the WonderWife. Tomorrow, May 5th makes it a total of 22 years together. I love you, Jenny.

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  • Today

    Abort, retry or fail?

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  • The Internet circa 1938

    “The whole human memory can be, and probably in a short time will be, made accessible to every individual. “This new all-human cerebrum need not be concentrated in any one single place. It can be reproduced exactly and fully, in Peru, China, Iceland, Central Africa,…

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  • Deprived

    I need consistent sleep and I am not getting it. 

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  • Down

    I need inspiration and motivation right now

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  • Minimal Bookshelf

    “Books are a uniquely portable magic.” ― Stephen King For the longest time I collected and hoarded books. I loaded up bookshelves, totes and closet space to store them. But after moving around the country a few times those books began to become a burden and no…

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  • Digital Moderation

    You know what I learned from my one week digital cleanse? Moderation. After a self-mandated abstinence from digital media I had almost 1000 blog feed posts waiting for me. 5,000 tweets and numerous G+ posts. I redeemed my time by reading physical books, right-sizing the…

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  • Run On Sentences

    Due to the schizophrenic weather, I am not running. However, I just purchased a book on running for beginners. Why do I feel like I am running backwards?

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  • Attitude Adjustment

    The next time you adjust a setting, think twice. Sometimes it’s better to change yourself to appreciate the defaults than to change the defaults to suit you. Someone I am going to struggle with this concept.

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  • Digital Cleanse

    After the mental stress of sending off the tax check I sat down to the laptop and mindlessly surfed the internet for an hour. Right then I declared it is time for me to cleanse and purge. As I consumed large quantities of posts, tweets,…

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