• DarkTable

    The new, open-source photo editing software, Darktable looks promising. It is an alternative to the $300 Adobe Lightroom software which I already own on the WIndows laptop. Darktable is currently running on the Ubuntu Linux laptop. So far so good!

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  • Version 11.2

    Yes, the website is going under another massive redesign. Yes, I am never satisfied. No, I am not too concerned with you lagging behind. Do try to keep, won’t you? Oh, and thank you for your patience and continued reading! 

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  • Changes

    Thanks to GoDaddy.com and its support of SOPA, I am in the process of transferring my domain name (chrisdenbow.com) to NameCheap. The website should NOT have any down time during the process but I’ll be monitoring it. If you need me, join me on Google…

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  • Top 13 Android Apps So Far

    After almost a month with my new HTC Evo mobile device, I have had opportunities to discover useful applications that I wanted to share. A lot of these utilities are cross-platform (Android, iPhone, desktop) and the rest are Android specific. All of these apps are…

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  • EVO-lved

    So I changed my mobile phone and carrier last week. After ten years I switched from Cingular/AT&T to the Sprint network. ATT’s mediocre performance in the 4th largest city in America offered expensive rate plans and a lot of dropped calls. For $50 a month,…

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  • Teach Your Children Well

    With the latest update and release of the open source operating system Edubuntu, little Daphne now has a computer of her very own. Edubuntu is built on the Linux Ubuntu system and is designed for educational functions. Used by students (pre-k through 12) and teachers alike, it…

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