• Transition I am decommissioning my Misadventures.me website and coming back here to ChrisDenbow.com. It was an attempt at a fresh start but then I realized I didn’t want to go that direction. The web domain expires soon and I am not renewing it. It is…

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  • Idea Cycle

    How I figure things out Get an idea. 1. Read, hear or experience something inspiring.  2. Obsess about it. Research the hell out of it 3. Find several books at the library, in the bookstore  4. Look online. 5. Watch videos. 6. Take a field…

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  • untitled

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  • Stifled

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  • Fortune Cookie #10 Your eyes will soon be opened to a world of beauty, charm and adventure

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  • Idea Here’s an overview about my thought processes and cycles. Steps ten and eleven is the hard part because…number twelve. Repeat the cycle again and again. Get an idea 1. See, hear, smell, taste, touch something interesting 2. Obsess about it Do your research 3.…

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  • Fortune Cookie #10

    Your eyes will soon be opened to a world of beauty, charm and adventure

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  • Sixth Street Showers

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  • Progress

    Time to get serious and disciplined regarding digital asset management (DAM). As I type, I am transferring files off of the various external hard drives to a master file on my computer. Then I will use Lightroom to remove the duplicates, sort the wheat from…

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  • Photo Archeology

    My very first digital photograph back in November 2001. When I was away at college I borrowed my father’s Olympus C2100. I loved the zoom and bokeh it produced. This had helped solidify my photography enthusiasm. I discovered this when sorting through the archives and…

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  • 8/8 GHR Check-in

    Time to evaluate my progress for my Groundhog Resolutions, the 10th annual attempt at creating life-long habits for myself. I’ve discovered that right after the end of the year holidays I am not mentally or physically capable of sticking with resolutions for the upcoming new…

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  • The (Mis) Adventurous Life

    I grew up watching great action movies like Star Wars, Die Hard and Indiana Jones. Adventure stories have stood the test of time, why is that? Because they are us. We identify with these stories because life is adventurous. Or misadventurous (I just made a…

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