• MoonSwatch

    Lust. Eventually it will be available for order.

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  • Black Sheep

    This new beauty, called Black Sheep took a vacation to Hawaii without me but found it’s way home. I love that nickel band.

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  • Audio Denbow Radio

    Click the button below to listen in on what keeps me going when I am typing text or processing photos.

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  • On Photography

    The camera doesn’t take the photo, the photographer does.

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  • Brainiac

    Tinkering with my second brain today and wishing I was more detailed with my past notes. Those nodes and orphans are too scattered in the graph view as shown above. April 13, 2022 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. [[Technology]] [[Blog]] [[CD.com]]

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  • Reading Hacks

    I spent some time today to write a template script in Brainiac, my second brain, that will add metadata every time I want to review or take notes from a book. It’s simple but will save me a lot of time re-typing or cut/paste for…

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  • USPS Sucks

    My package went on vacation without me “According to the tracking, this item was sent to the wrong location. We have taken steps to reroute your item. Tracking will reflect this. We sincerely apologize for the delay.” – USPS Thanks for the cut and paste…

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  • Stratagem

    I understand there’s a guy in me who wants to lay in bed, smoke weed all day and watch cartoons and old movies. My whole life is a series of stratagem to avoid and outwit that guy Anthony Bourdain

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  • Top 10 Tips For Street Photography

    It is street photography season in this part of the world and I am jotting down ten top tips as a reminder to myself and anyone else that may happen to stumble upon this humble little website. There are some obvious tips but as always,…

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  • Offline

    The best times with people are best spent offline. Go public, go outdoors and share experiences and interact with people not algorithms.

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  • Anti-Social Photography

    The best way to display your photos is on your own website. The past, present, future of photography is your website. Use social media only as a way to redirect attention to your website.

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  • Extreme

    With nutrition, lifestyle, and diet. Moderation = mediocrity.

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