• I Did It Again

    Here’s something about me: I’ll tweak and twerk on something until it’s molded into something I’m happy with. And just when I’ve got it down to what I want, I switch to something entirely different. Example- I’ve been working with a fantastic site setup here…

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  • I Want This

    There are many things in my life that I don’t need. I don’t need half the technology I have, nor most of online services that I pay for. This includes the hosting for my website. I don’t need it, but it does serve a purpose…

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  • Frustrated Photographer

    I’ve been out for three days and came back with three shots. Only one usable. I miss portrait photography because this sucks. This town is so un-photogenic.

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  • Brainiac

    Time to organize the backlog of notes, posts, pdf and blog archives into my second brain, Brainiac.

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  • Digital Minimalism

    Or essentialism. After taking a look at my software, I cleaned out a few redundant applications. I also took the time to reorganize my iPhone and remove apps as well. I should keep doing this until only the essentials are there.

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  • Productivity?

    I should really get my shit together. I’m thinking of changing/eliminating my complex “productivity” system with something simpler. Such as “Write it down so I don’t forget it. Then do it as soon as I can.” I don’t need more software. I need more ideas…

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  • Micro Photo

    I want to start posting images, maybe not daily but close to it. This will be a running log and who knows how long it lasts? Bob Dylan Center, Reconciliation Way, Tulsa, Oklahoma 4-28-22

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  • MacBook Pro M1 Camera Test

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  • House Of Blues

    2009, Houston House of Blues

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  • D.R.

    Missing the Dominican Republic and testing a new code embedding url from Vimeo to my website. It works!

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  • Signal vs. Noise

    You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems. James Clear, Atomic Habits

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  • Writing on the WWW

    Own your website. It’s important because you control the format now and forever if you want to. No social media because that isn’t yours. Your social media account is just renting space until you are evicted. Buy a domain name, choose a blog host, install…

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