• Kodak Ektar

    With 35mm film costs rising like everything else, I thought I’d try the new Kodak Ektar H35- a new half frame camera. Instead of the standard 36 exposures I can get 72 out of one roll of film. Cannot wait to go out and shoot,…

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  • Not A Quitter

    Leaving behind something that worked for awhile to pursue something different takes courage. It isn’t quitting. It is a pivot to something more beneficial. I have been an active user of the internet since 1995 and have left massive breadcrumbs to trace back to me…

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  • Things Can Only Get Better?

    Websites and social media platforms are getting aggressive in the monetizing of their services because- who knew that providing a platform for free is not sustainable? No one wants online advertising either and we all live with it because these web developers have to have…

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  • Time Off

    It has been a little over a month since stepping away from my website- I needed the break. Before dusting off the HTML code though, I’ve had some time to reflect on a few things including my participation on the WWW. More on that later.…

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  • Digital Essentialism

    How is your digital life? Feeling overwhelmed by all the clutter in your inbox, hard drive and cloud service? I know I was. Though I consider myself to be an essentialist, there does come a time when I get lazy and the discipline slides. Clutter,…

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  • Until Next Time…

    After twenty-two years of owning and maintaining a website presence it is time to hang it up for now. There are a multitude of reasons behind this decision but I’ll keep most of them to myself. And yet after all this time it feels like…

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  • On Friendship

    Like the Greek philosopher Aristotle says about friendship: 1. There is the one friend who you can hang out with. 2. The one you call friend because you want that person to do something for you.     3. The friend who helps you become…

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  • Sparring Partners

    Most of us need fewer friends and more intellectual sparring partners. Friends can be easy to come by. Intellectual sparring partners are harder to find. They will call you on your BS, question your assumptions, and push you to think bigger. Find your intellectual sparring…

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  • A Trivial Paradox

    Thanks to A Gentleman’s Take to have me on their show as a return guest. Always a pleasure, gents. If you missed my first episode, you can find it here.

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  • Like & Subscribe

    As a follow up to my post last year on the state of my digital subscriptions, it’s time to review and re-think what I am paying for. I am always looking for the best software for my workflow so I am constantly tweaking. Now, a…

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  • 8 Exposures

    I was cleaning out some boxes in my storage area and came across a Polaroid camera and an unopened 2-pack box of Polaroid instant film. Better use it before I toss it and so I did another photo walk today. Only used 1 box so…

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  • 36 Exposures

    Woke up this morning for a photo walk around SoBo before the heat kicked in and grabbed 36 exposures. Felt good to get out and shoot something for myself. It’s been too long. Now I am waiting on the prints to be developed. Click the…

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