• Success

    The clean slate protocol I initiated a few days ago is a success. After creating a new domain name and building a new website, with a new e-mail account and a new Apple ID, I am slowly migrating some of my crucial data from backups.…

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  • Reboot

    After recent price increases, subscription fatigue, privacy concerns and probably long overdue contentment, it’s time for a change. I’ll be withdrawing more from technology, technology blogs and restructuring everything to maximize privacy, reduce monthly subscription spending and pursuing avenues of personal interest. I am heavily…

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  • Reboot Redesign ReDo

    After recent price increases, subscription fatigue, privacy concerns and probably long overdue contentment, it’s time for a change. I’ll be withdrawing more from technology, technology blogs and restructuring everything to maximize privacy, reduce monthly subscription spending and pursuing avenues of personal interest. I am heavily…

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  • Downgrade

    Never thought I would use that term, but downgrading is definitely an option now. With the announcement of Apple raising their digital subscription package Apple One, 9to5mac.com/2023/10/2… I’ve decided to go backwards instead.

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  • Mojo Island Geocache

    GCA06T7 has been upgraded with a new container and is even more secured. I placed a tiny cache on the island last year but was concerned with rising water levels. So last week I dropped an ammo box filled with all sorts of treasures and…

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  • Silverfox.photography

    Silverfox.photography is now live. Yes, it is time for another rebrand. I think I am done with “Photo Mojo” and “Mojochrome.” It makes sense to make both this website and the photo website compatible with each other. Remember the small photo labs with drive-thru huts…

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  • Sweet Sixteen

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  • It Happened

    After two years of silence, I finally heard the fan kick in on my M1 MacBook while downloading images off Adobe to my external hard drive. Took me by surprise!

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  • Crazy From The Heat

    Working outdoors in this 100+ heat and humidity for 10-12 hr days, 6 days a week and weeks in a row makes for a boring and exhausted Chris. Wish I had the energy to create or read.

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  • Adobe (Again)

    I tried using Smugmug as a personal website and canceled that…again. I re-subscribed to Adobe…again. I wish I could quit Adobe but they make it so damn easy love/hate on them.

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  • Smug Adobe

    Just canceled my Adobe Lightroom account and lost my Portfolio website as a result. Looking at SmugMug as a website and unlimited photo host but damn. Those site customizations are frustrating. What have I done?

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  • Less Study More Life

    [I]n order to write a book, do a deed, paint a picture with some life in it, one has to be alive oneself. And so, unless you never want to progress, study is a matter of very secondary importance for you. Enjoy yourself as much…

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