• Judging Book Covers

    Meandering through a bookstore is inspirational to me. The thrill of discovering a new title can lead someone down a large literary rabbit hole. But there is something to be said about browsing the eye-catching cover art. Sometimes the cover is the best part of…

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  • For The Record

    While driving through the hills of Cincinnati, I came across a record store and decided to pop in to see if there were any good deals to be had on jazz, blues or classic rock albums. Then I remembered that my recently re-acquired record player…

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  • For The Record

    While driving through the hills of Cincinnati, I came across a record store and decided to pop in to see if there were any good deals to be had on jazz, blues or classic rock albums. Then I remembered that my recently re-acquired record player…

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  • Judging Book Covers

    Meandering through a bookstore is inspirational to me. The thrill of discovering a new title can lead someone down a large literary rabbit hole. But there is something to be said about browsing the eye-catching cover art. Sometimes the cover is the best part of…

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  • Asides

    I am experimenting with a sort of short form writing called an “aside,” here on the website. These are designed for quick thoughts as opposed to long form posts. I wanted to sort and categorize these in to an individual page but haven’t sorted out…

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  • Test post from the iOS app to publish. Can you read me now?

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  • Woke up this Monday morning to a thick layer of ice over everything and not having to go to work.

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  • Behind The Wall

    If you know me at all, you know that I have always been a fan of public art, especially mural or wall art. From early on we’ve been painting in caves, on the ceilings of chapels and now on city streets. Big cities like Houston…

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  • Behind The Wall

    If you know me at all, you know that I have always been a fan of public art, especially mural or wall art. From early on we’ve been painting in caves, on the ceilings of chapels and now on city streets. Big cities like Houston…

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  • Sick & Tired

    Day 5 of illness and Day 4 stuck in bed all day.

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  • New Year No New Gear

    A new year means a fresh start with new goals. In addition to the 365/2024 photo project and 24 books read in 2024, I want to add another resolution: no new technology. I am confident that all of my hardware will not need to be replaced…

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  • New Year No New gear

    A new year means a fresh start with new goals. In addition to the 365/2024 photo project and 24 books read in 2024, I want to add another resolution: no new technology. I am confident that all of my hardware will not need to be replaced or upgraded. Now,…

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