• You

    Lets face it, The Mojo Network wouldn’t be around if it wasn’t for your readership and participation, I know this and it is encouraging. Heck, it inspires me to keep it up. I won’t quit my day job over it because lets face it, this…

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  • Lone Star

    This is difficult to admit for a guy who was born/raised, as an Okie but I am enjoying being a Texan now. I’ve been here in Houston a month and am loving almost every bit of it. One aspect I enjoy has been comparing Texas…

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  • Date Night

    Holy moly! Has it really been over a year since WonderWife went out on a date? Where did the time go? How does a married couple date these days? It has been too long. We have a very good reason and she is being watched…

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  • Welcome to Houston, Edouard!

    Welcome to Houston, Edouard, originally uploaded by Photo Mojo. Edouard never developed into a hurricane but he is bringing us a LOT of rain. Shot from I-10 eastbound near downtown.

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  • 80's Video Mojo

    Just like every other teen guy in the 80’s, I secretly wished I was Robert Palmer for a day.

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  • You Will Get Wet On This Ride

    Looks like we’re in the path of Mr. Ed here in Houston. Not expecting any damage here in Katy but we should get a nice soaking from it provided the winds stay lower than hurricane force. A few people on Twitter suggested we have a…

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  • Show's Over

    Show’s Over, originally uploaded by Photo Mojo. Southern Backtones lead singer Hank Schyma finishes the set at the Hard Rock Cafe with a literal bang while drummer Todd Sommer looks on. southernbacktones.com/index.html www.houstonpress.com/2008-07-24/music/armed-forces-the-20…

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  • I Suck

    Been way to busy adjusting to life in the big city, job expectations and Houston traffic commutes. Blogging schedule to resume promptly.

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  • Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood

    Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood, originally uploaded by Photo Mojo.

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  • New Beer Wednesdays

    What Ales Ya, originally uploaded by Photo Mojo. Introducing a new feature here on the Mojo’s website called New Beer Wednesdays wherein I partake of various beverages, lagers, ales, brews etc and offer my feedback (good & bad). Moving from a backwards-thinking-attitude-towards-beer state like Alabama…

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  • We're #1!

    According to Kiplinger Finance…. Best Cities to Live, Work, Play– Houston

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  • She's a Texan now! Watch out!!

    She’s a Texan now! Watch out!!, originally uploaded by eagerlittlemind.

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