Arts & Craft

While we were visiting the Museum of Fine Arts Houston, Wonderwife wanted to attend a lecture on art conservancy. Little DVD and I decided to make our own once we discovered a craft program for kids just down the hall. The theme was African animals to help promote the museums African holdings.

I think all we need is an ornate frame and the most prominent wall space available.

Daphne's First Art Project

Of COURSE it is a bird….why do you ask?

Found Mojo

The Mojo HD channel has a few promotional animations much like the old MTV used to do. Here is a sample that was found recently on the airwaves er, digital television. It is even found on Hulu.


I’ve reformatted my life this past year and I want to start with a fresh install. I want the right applications and tools I need to keep this machine running smoothly. I need and demand performance right now.

My mental bandwidth is really receptive as I am searching to increase my knowledge and gain some technical skills. The short term goal is to make myself more marketable in the workforce. The long term goal is sustaining myself into running my own business. This has to be done in 4 years.

In order to achieve these goals I have to discipline myself mentally, physically and socially. How do you do this? I have friends who spend hours upon hours behind a screen and keyboard who are fit because they make it happen. I spend a bit of time behind a keyboard as well and my waist is showing it.

How do you manage your time? I can use all sorts of time-sucks as an excuse and have but I want to move beyond these.

While pursuing all of this, I am still maintaining my photography business on the side. I need to stay focused on this and increase my knowledge and skills or else I lose them.

Your feedback is desired. Please leave a comment!


* This is a blog post from Mojo Denbow For more content like this, subscribe to the RSS feed, Twitter & Disqus

My Day


First of all, I would like to thank my WonderWife and Daphne for making this possible. I would not be a father if it were not for them. Jenny & I went almost twelve years together without a child and I cannot tell you how much she was worth waiting for.

Daphne reminds me of myself in almost every way. Energetic, social, rambunctious and a free spirit. Even as I type this the little girl is in her crib crying her head off because she is like her father. There is too much to do and so much energy to be spent on anything else besides sleeping. She can also be very moody and display an attitude when something happens that she disagrees with.

She is very playful and daring. She doesn’t scare easily. Her new favorite act is twirling until she is dizzy, which is nothing new for toddlers except she does this all while balancing herself on my stomach.

If you cannot tell, I am very proud of my daughter and love her very much. My hope is that she will have no doubts of this as long as I live. Thank you, Daphne.

Love, Daddy

Big Fish Little FishPolka Dot Waitress (Re-edit)

What’s Going On?

Silver Bullet

I’ve signed up for a new gig with crazy hours and a long commute. I have been neglecting my social media for awhile & that includes writing here. I’ve also spent a lot of spare time developing my photography business and reading for personal growth.

I’m investing in myself. Try it!

* This is a blog post from Mojo Denbow For more content like this, subscribe to the RSS feed, Twitter & Disqus

Know & Tell 06.03.09

Every week I submit my Delicious bookmarks and links to articles of interest. I hope they are beneficial to you as well.

12 Breeds of Client and How to Work with Them – FreelanceSwitch – The Freelance Blog
+THE END IS NOT NEAR | x=blog+stay+informed
Are You Really an Entrepreneur? 
Online Bookkeeping for Freelancers that Won’t Cost an Arm & Leg 
Turn Your Spare Thumb Drives Into Feature-Packed Software Drives [Thumb Drives] 
The Best Free Photos on the Web (Where to Find Them and What to Do With Them) 
Send Us Your Polaroids – Lens Blog 
Working with Virtual Copies in Lightroom 
The Business Side of Fashion Photography 
Adobe BrowserLab
Ultimate Guide to Delicious Social Bookmarking
iPhone App DSLR Camera Remote Now Available – One onOne with Mike Wong
Fast Cities 2009 | Fast Company


* This is a blog post from Mojo Denbow For more content like this, subscribe to the RSS feed, Twitter & Disqus

In Remembrance…

Regardless of your position on war and the military, you have the freedom to express it. This is only possible through the service and sacrifice of the U.S. military throughout our history. Please take a moment today and think about that. Memorial Day is more than time off of work or school. So much more than a sales event.

Thank you soldiers, sailors and pilots!

thanks to Kris Klop for the amazing photo and post-processing

Can You Hear Me Now?

I love micro blogging (Twitter) and instant messaging but sometimes conversations need to be had with voice and video to put into context what is being communicated. Let me share these tools with you so we can communicate just a wee bit better.

Skype- If you use Skype then you know that voice/video calling to other Skype members are free. You can also buy time and call mobile/land line phones as well. Add me to your contact list (mojodenbow) or click the button below to call me!

  Skype Me™! Snapshot of me 1 Skype vid

Google Voice– Formerly known as Grand Central, this product supplies you with a unique telephone number that can be used anywhere. The beauty of this tool allows you to screen calls or to get voicemail into your inbox. You can play the message from your inbox. Supposedly very soon this will be integrated with your GMail account. Awesome.

 Skydeck– A new mobile tool that I use with Google Voice. Skydeck will offer me a written transcript of what callers are saying that is sent to my GVoice inbox. It helps if the caller enunciates clearly!

A recent sample:

hey there this is chris justin (just doing a) little test of skied deck(SkyDeck) and doable (Google) voice and hopefully this is the fifth house on the fourteen test talk to you later.


Dial2Do- I love this mobile app. Sign up for free, register your programs such as Twitter, Tumblr, WordPress, GMail, Evernote and much much more. Dial the number they provide you and get things done. Need to leave a note for yourself? Call your assigned number, say “Evernote” and leave a voice note. Send an email or SMS text message with your voice. Write a blog post, add a date to your calendar and even add a tweet to Twitter.

I’m always looking for the next/best web, voice and mobile applications. If you know of tools we can use, add them to the comments, won’t you?

* This is a blog post from Mojo Denbow For more content like this, subscribe to the RSS feed, Twitter & Disqus