Freelance Or Entrepreneur?

Motion Blur with Fish eye

In order to adjust my focus I need to determine what is ahead of me. Do I want to be a freelance photographer or do I want to be an entrepreneur and run my own business?

I’d like some insights from both parties to see how you’ve overcome the challenges of both.

Focus (Or Lack Of)


Change is inevitable, right? It is how we respond to the changes that helps define us. When looking at myself lately, I don’t like the definition or the response. I’ve lost my focus and my path recently and I want it back. There are various reasons for this lack of application.

I identified some of the perpetual culprits such as neglecting my fitness and nutrition. My sleep schedule sucks and I’ve allowed too many outside distractions in. I’m well aware that these can be put back on track when I discipline myself. If I am honest with myself then I have to admit that there are other issues that are distracting my focus.

My sleep schedule as I mentioned earlier just plain sucks. I am mentally restless as I am constantly trying to find new stimulus. I’m not even looking for anything in particular. Sometimes I am trying to find a muse or new productivity workflows. Other occasions I am trying to find outside income. I look for these things until my brain catches up to my body and collapses.

Sometimes my plans need to go back to the drawing board because they were never fully thought out. The rest of them are stalled due to uncertainty. I can’t see clearly enough to execute. 

On the other side of this is the fact that when I do sit down to work on a plan I go blank. I cannot process what I have studied and apply it.

No, I do not have an attention disorder.

I simply must order my attention on the specific task at hand as opposed to multi-task. There has to be a distinction between work projects and personal projects. I am guilty of combining the two if it will help (apparently it isn’t).

Tomorrow I will focus my attention on what matters and how to prioritize this.

Because my focus is fuzzy, I may need another set of eyes and your opinions/solutions to rectify this. How have you resolved this issue? Are you struggling with maintaining your focus?


Windows 7 Boot logo

Last week I got my hands on the new operating system from Microsoft, Windows 7. After testing it for a week, I am very pleased with it. This is a faster, cleaner OS than Vista was. W7 had no hardware issues and even updated some drivers for them automagically. I was so pleased with the performance I went ahead and installed on to WonderWife’s machine.

If you are on the fence as to upgrading to Windows 7 or not, let me help push you over towards it.

Well Read but Deprived

I just finished another book called the Alchemist. Now I am deprived of sleep. If you think sleep is overrated, go get the book and enjoy. Now I lay me down to sleep…

Long Weekend

Yes it is Labor day weekend and people are used to getting 3 days off, but when I say long weekend, I mean something else. WonderWife left out of state on Friday for her sister’s baby shower and won’t be back until mid-day Monday. This means that little DVD and I have a long weekend together. Fortunately I have my father-in-law to assist with her.

To my fellow dads: Appreciate your wife and the way she raises your child.

Image courtesy of the movie Mr. Mom and Michael Keaton Central

Terrific Two

DVD Is Almost 2 Years Old!


Today we celebrate the day you came into our lives. After so many years of waiting for you, you have certainly exceeded my expectations. You are the perfect blend of your mother and I. You have your mom’s beauty and creativity. You have my active lifestyle and social skills. Right about this time you are expressing yourself in ways that remind me of myself. This is both a source of pride and concern for me.

I love your independence, your sense of discovery & exploration. You love analyzing how things work and then quickly mess it up and start over again.

It makes me happy when you are dependent on me too. For all the times you say “Uh-oh” or get a little scared, you can trust I will be close by. I’m always happy to help with what you need.

I appreciate your affection. For every hug and kiss we share that just makes my day better. The way you hold my hand when we walk or pat my back when I hold you brings a smile to my face. I look forward to coming home just so I can see you race to my arms and yell “Da-da” at the top of your lungs.

Happy birthday, baby. I love you.

– Daddy

Welcome To Our World!Daph & Daddy

Agree To Disagree

I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you’re not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration.

Well, I never thought I would agree with Hillary Clinton (quoted above from 2003 in regards to Bush II) but this would describe my feelings toward our Great Leader. I did not vote for him but I was willing to give the guy a chance. No more.

I disagree with this administration.


Moleskine Journals

My ramblings belong on loose leaf paper and not on paper made from trees that were planted in the Alps a century ago. Hemingway wrote in them. Van Gogh painted in them or was it Matisse? How do I live up to that with my brain-to-paper data transfer?



* This is a blog post from Mojo Denbow For more content like this, subscribe to the RSS feed, Twitter & Disqus

Things That Make You Go Hmmm… #54


  • You will become known for doing what you do
  • Personal is powerful
  • Do your own thing
  • Ideas are the only things that are really ours
  • Experience is the best way to learn
  • Don’t be trapped by your tools
  • Get out
  • Once you learn how to project yourself, what are you going to say?


* This is a blog post from Mojo Denbow For more content like this, subscribe to the RSS feed, Twitter & Disqus