Mellow greetings! It has been exactly one year ago today that I found out I was being laid off from a good job in Birmingham. A lot has changed since then including putting the house up for sale, moving out of Alabama and into Texas (July). We moved further south as did the economy after we got here. The house is still up for sale with no prospects. The job prospects are dwindling.
WonderWife can tell you how all of this has affected me better than I can but the truth is, it hasn’t made me a very pleasant person to be around. The stress was eating away at who I am and replaced it with someone else. I didn’t like this person, so I chose to show him out the door.
I can not and will not allow circumstances beyond my control to take control of my life. I choose happiness and joy. I will learn to appreciate what I have instead of lamenting what I do not. So yes, I could choose the negative path but I’ll go down a different road.
I could use some company!