• What Are You Listening To?

    I discovered a Flickr Group recently called “Listening To Music With Headphones On”. Catchy, ain’t it? While the title is lacking, the group’s photos show emotion and passion for their headphones. We have to wonder what audio adrenaline they are enjoying. I’d love to see…

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  • signing Off

    Can I tell you how glad I am that the Battlestar Galactica series has reached it’s conclusion? Now if only ABC’s Lost would hurry up and have a point to the whole story I can write that off as well. As an adult I really…

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  • In Or Out

    There will always be people who conform to an environment or transform it. Do you fit in or stand out? Is this a position you enjoy or do you want to be that other person instead? If you want to stand out, don’t be different.…

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  • Overwhelmed

    Have you ever had too much going on and felt like you had too little control about it? I’m there.

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  • Photo Friday 3.13.09

    Good luck today, it is Friday the 13th!

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  • Found Mojo 3.10.09

    Mojo Risin IPA beer from Boulder, Colorado. Not available in Texas so I may have to import it.

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  • It is Futile To Resist

                    Howdy! As of 11:30AM today, I am a Texan. This isn’t as difficult to accept as I always imagined it would be. As an Okie by birth we are bred to dislike our border neighbors. However, I…

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  • Road Trippin

    daddy’s little blue belle Wonderwife, DVD and I jumped into our car for a quick day trip to Brenham, Texas and back today. It took us about an hour and a half to get out of Katy (just west of Houston) thanks to a donut…

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  • Iblog

    Testing WordPress app from Apple’s ipod Touch.

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  • Inconvenience Stores

    Thanks to surging fuel prices last year (this year too?) and economic woes, fueling stations/convenience stores now treat all customers with contempt. They assume everyone is out to steal their fuel with drive-offs. Yes, there is that but why should the 99.5% of us who…

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  • You’re Doing it Wrong

    Confession: I do not click advertisements on websites or blogs. Ever. The very idea that a site’s content is so crucial to my daily reading that it would not be possible without sponsorship is hooey. In fact, the bigger blogs annoy us with posts every…

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  • Photo Friday 3.6.09

    CountM’ Butu plays the conga drums with the Derek Trucks Band. House of Blues, Houston Texas

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