Last Minute Gift Ideas

Vintage Santa Claus Calls All Good Children

Just in case you are a last minute shopper as I have been known to be, stress not at the thought of visiting the mall with all of the other slackers. These are but a few suggestions. Not for me of course, although I would never turn them down! What makes them a great gift is the fact that most of them allow you to choose what you would actually want, come in various dollar increments,  or would be something you would actually use and appreciate.

  1. iTunes gift cards for music, movies, apps & more
  2. Flickr Pro subscription (mine is up in 03/2010, oops!)
  3. The only thing on my wishlist was an Amazon gift card
  4. Netflix. I’ve given away a few of these myself. Love this service.
  5. Jelly-of-the-month club. Yes, it exists. No, this is not what anyone wants

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