• The Rift

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  • Plog

    I’m on a photography hiatus for a bit but it doesn’t stop me from thinking about it. Now that I am off of FaceGram I will be focused on this web site and my photography website again (plog??) I’m loving this idea more and more…

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  • 11/11 GHR Check-In!

    Time to evaluate my progress for my Groundhog Resolutions, the 10th annual attempt at creating life-long habits for myself. I’ve discovered that right after the end of the year holidays I am not mentally or physically capable of sticking with resolutions for the upcoming new…

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  • Mind Mapping

    I’ve recently re-discovered the app MindNode, an app that helps diagram ideas and thoughts in a visual way. Here’s an example of what a basic mind map structure looks like: Just a simple diagram I generated about mind-mapping and why I use MindNode instead of…

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  • #deletesocialmedia

    I just finished the monumental task of deleting all of my accounts. On purpose. Why should you care about this? No idea. But for me, it is refreshing and liberating. I admit it was rewarding to receive online praise for my photographic work. To see…

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  • #deletegoogle Part II

    So this just happened. After making the decision to close both of my Google accounts back in April it is finally finished. I am no longer a Google user.

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  • #deletegoogle

    I first mentioned I was migrating off of Google way back in April. Well, it has taken me just that long to do it. Every photo, video and document I shared with them has been downloaded finally. I deleted my 10 year old Google account…

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  • Lime motorized scooters are perfect for micro shenanigans and misadventures around town.

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  • iPhone XR This is a great blend of both budget and premium features. A $1200 phone for a $750 price. This has almost everything I want into an iPhone like a big, end-to-end screen, the A12 Bionic chip, dual sim card capability, augmented reality, great…

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  • NOvember

    The end of the year is almost here and there are some last minute addendums to be made to my Groundhog Day Resolutions. NO donuts NO eating out all the time NO drinking all the time Absolutely, positively NO Whataburger I’ve lost five pounds this…

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  • Atomic Scribbler

    I’ve discovered a new, Windows only writing tool called Atomic Scribbler and it is PERFECT for my needs. It rivals the over-priced Scrivener in features and cost. Just in time for NANOWRIMO next month.

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  • We’re Moving

    Click here to be redirected to the new place

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