• Do What You Like… And like what you do.

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  • Find What You’d Die For… And live for it.

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  • Damned if I do, bored if I don’t

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  • Social

    The more time spent on social media the more boring you are, just like everyone else. I prefer hanging out in the real world with real people having real conversations. Share your brilliant ideas and incorporate theirs.

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  • 12/12 GHR Check-In!

    This is the final check in of the year where I evaluate the progress on my Groundhog Resolutions. This is the 10th annual attempt at creating life-long habits for myself. I’ve discovered that right after the end of the year holidays I am not mentally…

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  • 46

    Old enough to know better. Too young to care.

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  • Explore More

    Someone close to me yesterday said “I really need to get out of the house more often. You have shown me a lot of different spots I didn’t know about.” This was from someone who has lived in the same city and state their whole…

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  • Distraction-Free Reading

    When and how does anyone make the time? The simple answer is deliberately. There are plenty of mind-numbing, time-wasting activities out there but who wouldn’t want to get something out of it? One helpful tip is that “Airplane Mode” on your device works just as…

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  • Somewhat Random Thoughts

    Build It Be optimistic and bullish Don’t be a specialist, Be fullstack Be unique or conform Minority rules Do more with less Long-term thinking Don’t compete Continued learning

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  • Explore More Hikery at Oxley Nature Center 11/17/2018 36.225759, -95.899624 iPhone xR front camera 6.6mm f/2.8

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  • Novice I’ve never been what you’d call musically inclined but there have been a lot of influences lately and I decided to try my hand, literally, at this gorgeous ukulele. After some initial tuning mistakes that are now corrected, I played a total of two…

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  • Currently

    Music: Obsessing over Magic Slim’s Born On A Bad Sign Blues album Reading: Joseph Campbell’s The Hero With A Thousand Faces. Part psychology and part mythology. Podcast: Imaginary Worlds, features a new science fiction story every 2 weeks Food: Tracy’s quesadilla casserole and my prize-winning…

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