• The Internet Is Broken

    Anyone else noticed that today’s WWW is insufferable? I don’t specifically know when it turned, or why most users became jerks, but I’ll go ahead and guess about 2010. Making money off of content became more important than the content itself. This is a long…

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  • How To Become The Great Urban Photographer

    If you loosely apply Lomography’s ten golden rules, you’ll do just fine. Take your camera with you everywhere you go. Use your camera any time, day, or night. Photography is not an interference of your life but a part of it Shoot from the hip…

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  • The Cult Of Mac

    Yours truly was recently featured on a prominent website again. In the article, David was kind enough to feature the tools of my trade and how crucial a clean, minimal, dark and dedicated workspace enhances productivity and focus. Special thanks to David Snow and the…

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  • Analog Notes

    Following up on a previous post, I have too many unused paper journal notebooks in the form of Field Notes©. I need to frequently remind myself to use them, and this post intends to do just that. During the day, I’ll come to a point…

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  • 2:45am

    Can’t sleep due to uncomfortability. Yes, it’s true that is not a real word. I’m tired. Having a hard time focusing on reading, writing or anything else while I am awake. Currently 3:47am. This sucks.

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  • Digital Essentialism

    How is your digital life? Feeling overwhelmed by all the clutter in your inbox, hard drive and cloud service? I know I was. Though I consider myself to be a minimalist essentialist, there does come a time when I get lazy and the discipline slides.…

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  • 1985 < 2022

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  • Good Advice

    “Be a good steward of your gifts. Protect your time. Feed your inner life. Avoid too much noise. Read good books, have good sentences in your ears. Be by yourself as often as you can. Walk. Take the phone off the hook. Work regular hours.” …

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  • Zen

    I’ll get there soon

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  • The Ideal Life

    Lately, I’ve been thinking of the optimal lifestyle and how to get the best out of life. How can I better my existence? An ideal lifestyle is one you have to define for yourself. So if I wanted to focus on creativity and photography, I…

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  • Double Exposed Reflections

    Double Exposure, Sony A7 52mm ƒ/5 More street photography at PhotoDenbow.com

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  • Calaveras

    See this and more on the photography website- Photo Denbow

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