• Patience

    These past few weeks I’ve made concentrated efforts to be more mindful of my language and attitude. I find myself swearing less (sorry Mom,) and exhibiting more patience with a lot of success. A challenge to myself is one of patience towards others or circumstances.…

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  • Damned Cursor

    The cursor blinks at me in a passive-aggressive way. It’s blue, sometimes white line set against a black screen taunts me because I haven’t typed anything in weeks and it shows. To create something from nothing, to not being able to think about anything interesting…

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  • Choose Your Ignorance

    The world contains far more information than any single person can learn in their lifetime. The question is not whether you are ignorant, but what you choose to be ignorant about. Few topics are worth your precious time. Choose what you pay attention to with…

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  • Explore More

    Curiosity is the impulse to sort ideas out, to travel, and explore. It’s way past time to explore more.

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  • Media Log- May 2022

    “There is now a little question that how one uses one’s attention, moment to moment, largely determines what kind of person one becomes. Our minds, our lives are largely shaped by how we use them.” – Sam Harris In other words, we are what we…

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  • New Challenge Accepted

    Feeling the need for a change, and a lack of discipline, I’ve decided to drop the 11-month journey. Instead of writing a new 1/2 year’s resolution, I’ve decided to have a focus word instead. What is a focus word for the 1/2 year? A focus…

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  • Geocache

    The annual subscription to Geocaching is almost up. The e-mail reminder was a wake up call that I haven’t been out there and that’s a pity. Now that I am reminded, I need to et going and finding some caches!

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  • 6-6 Waypoint Check-In + A New Challenge

    This is the 4th and last stop of my 11th month journey to create life-long habits for myself. The full write-up on this is hosted in the Archives. I planned to take on this year-long trek up to December 12th (12/12) and to stop and…

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  • Coming Soon

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  • Personal Publishing Principles

    When’s the last time you went to an actual website to read a real article written by a human, without being slapped in the face by pop-ups, cookie warnings, ads, and lead-generating magnets? It’s past time to get back to the basics of the WWW.…

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  • Tangled Thoughts

    Thinking is not only non-linear, it’s messy. When I picture what my thoughts look like, I don’t see a nice straight road with checkpoints, I see a massive web of tangled threads. My thoughts/notes in graph form

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  • Illiteracy

    “The illiterate of the 21st century, will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” – Alvin Toffler

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