• The Wild Wild Web

    Speaking about personal websites, I just screened this video about the early web. I can thankfully say my website was NEVER this cheesy but there was a sense of ownership back then. Much more so than we do on today’s social media platforms where there…

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  • Anti-Censorship

    Four years ago today I decided that I wasn’t having fun using Google anything, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram anymore, so I downloaded all my content from those platforms and promptly deleted those accounts. No Google products and no social media. If you’ve DM’d me, then…

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  • I Disapprove This Message

    I need a new photo project. I figure that there will be a lot of photo opportunities between now and November, so, my new project is… During and after the 2016 campaigns I swore off of news media and politics. I’m done. However, they are…

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  • Let’s Take This Outside

    Due to a variety of interests, there has been less writing here in favor of being outdoors with a camera. I’ve been out and about capturing a variety of topics including urban art, neon signs and more. I’m thinking of capturing a few new things…

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  • Map Quest

    Over the past couple of decades I have acquired a lot of images and have failed to document them properly. Now I want to take on the enormous task of mapping my finds. Just getting started There are three categories I want to photograph, map…

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  • A Better Way

    Do I miss Twitter or Facebook? No. I make better use of my time by following blogs and websites via RSS.

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  • My Way

    I pay a web host for my personal website, my private emails, RSS, and photo services. I pay to support the products I enjoy using and that promise to not collect or sell my information. If it’s “free” than I don’t want it.

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  • Last Night

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  • Adobe Lightroom Video

    The same edit controls that you already use to make your photography shine can now be used with your videos as well! Not only can you use Lightroom’s editing capabilities to make your video clips look their best, you can also copy and paste edit…

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  • Essential

    A passion for minimalism

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  • It Takes Awhile

    Nearly everything awesome takes longer than you think. Get started and don’t worry about the clock. James Clear

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  • BW Nights

    Color is chaotic. Black and white is more uniform, more mysterious and enigmatic.

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