New User Groups for Birmingham

As many of you know I am a big fan of online media and use it extensively. I want to bring to your attention 3 new groups that will allow you to share your digital media with Birmingham.

Jumpcut- The Magic City Video group showcases Birmingham with digital videos that you can upload, edit online and share. Given the chance, you can even mashup several user’s videos together to make a documentary. How cool would it be to see that? Think of it as the video version of our Magic City Flickr photo group. Both Flickr & Jumpcut are owned by Yahoo and will eventually merge if the rumors are correct. I plan on taking video of the various festivals going on this weekend as well as photos. Neat!

Find me here: Video Mojo

Zooomr- is another web-based photo host. The Magic City Zooomr group is not to take away from Flickr’s group, because not everyone uses Flickr. Zooomr is making huge innovative strides and is growing fast.

Magic City Zooomr Group thanks Nicki for the photo!

Find me here: Mojo Denbow’s Photo Studio

Birmingham Photography– Another photo user group that is focused solely on getting together for learning, socializing and shooting.

Click here to check out
The Birmingham Photography Meetup Group!


Find me here: Birmingham Photography

All of these are free to use and join and there are paid options too. What better way to get people together to do something they love? Join us!

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