Rainy Days = Museum

Wonderwife, DVD and I piled into the car to escape cabin fever and get cultured at the Museum of Fine Art Houston today because of thunderstorms. If you have not visited your local museums, what is stopping you? We have a membership to the MFAH and appreciate it’s contributions. When we arrived, our feet took us to see the traveling exhibits that included antiques from the National Museum in Kabul, Afghanistan. These pieces of history and art have been rescued from the Taliban’s cultural destruction.


Also travelling was an exhibit on European war prints from 1500-1825 AD. I loved the amazing detail of these drawings and etchings of how the tools of war had evolved as well as the battle scenes.


Of course a trip to the museum would have my Miss Art History major (Wonderwife) stroll through the vast array of Renaissance and Impressionist works.


* This is a blog post from Mojo Denbow For more content like this, subscribe to the RSS feed, Twitter & Disqus

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