• Windows 7

    Will today’s release of Microsoft’s latest operating system make you think about upgrading from Vista or XP? What features are you looking for or forward to?

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  • Oh Relax

    I need to relax and de-stress myself. I miss the old me where I would not only laugh, but crack a joke too. I’m not myself but all that will change and here is how I want to do it. Join along if you’d like.…

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  • Know & Tell 10.22.09

    It has been too long since I’ve updated my Delicious link sharing… Best Business Practices For Photographers   How to Set the Price for Your Photography   18 Essential Tools for Every Word-of-Mouth Marketer   Google Wave Notifier Alerts You to Unread Waves   Twitterfeed…

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  • Connectability

    Yes, I just made that word up but I wanted to let you know that I am making myself more available to you. We’re on Facebook. Become a fan today! There is a new “Mojo” hotline you can use to call/text me with. If you…

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  • Can I Have A Moment Of Your Time…?

    As our economy falters it never fails that the get-rich-quick hucksters come out of the woodwork. I know that sales people work hard and it is a talent, but when people are being taken advantage of, just don’t. okay? Greedy and immoral people are a…

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  • Please Be Specific

    I always wanted to be somebody. I should have been more specific- lily tomlin Some people know exactly who they are and what they want to do with their lives. Then there is the rest of us who know who we are, but not what…

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  • Freelance Or Entrepreneur?

    In order to adjust my focus I need to determine what is ahead of me. Do I want to be a freelance photographer or do I want to be an entrepreneur and run my own business? I’d like some insights from both parties to see…

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  • Focus (Or Lack Of)

    Change is inevitable, right? It is how we respond to the changes that helps define us. When looking at myself lately, I don’t like the definition or the response. I’ve lost my focus and my path recently and I want it back. There are various…

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  • Upgrade

    Last week I got my hands on the new operating system from Microsoft, Windows 7. After testing it for a week, I am very pleased with it. This is a faster, cleaner OS than Vista was. W7 had no hardware issues and even updated some…

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  • Well Read but Deprived

    I just finished another book called the Alchemist. Now I am deprived of sleep. If you think sleep is overrated, go get the book and enjoy. Now I lay me down to sleep…

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  • Blues & Art? Yes, Please.

    As a huge fan of the Blues, I’m digging these paintings & prints by Paul Lachine on 12 Bar Art. Fantastic art of the blues masters.              

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  • Long Weekend

    Yes it is Labor day weekend and people are used to getting 3 days off, but when I say long weekend, I mean something else. WonderWife left out of state on Friday for her sister’s baby shower and won’t be back until mid-day Monday. This…

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