• 8 Ways To Establish Yourself

    During this rebrand process, I am reminded about what works or what needs to go back to the drawing board. By changing my brand from something established to something new takes work. Maybe you are starting out or maybe you need to find a better…

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  • Discovering Fun

    The Breeze and Denbow families met at Discovery Green today and had a blast. Thanks for joining us!

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  • Favorite iTunes App

    Now that the iTunes store has over 100,000 apps, what is the one that you cannot live without? Is it a productivity tool? Social media app? Maybe you are a gamer and can’t live without it. Share your faves in the comments section. Who knows,…

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  • Photo Friday 11.06.09

    I’m Outta Here, originally uploaded by Photo Denbow. Enjoy your weekend!

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  • Know & Tell 11.04.09

    Scouring the internet for the good stuff and sharing it with you in case you missed it. The Complete Guide To Google Wave How To Organize Chaos In Lightroom How To Make Rounded Edges On Your Photos 100 Must Read Freelance Intelligence Tips & Tricks…

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  • Now Open

    ChrisDenbow.com is now open for business. Pardon the dust as I am still trying to clean things up around here, move the furniture around and re-organize. The website will still get a makeover but this will do for now (better than a boring template). The…

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  • Coming Soon

    As promised, the Mojo deconstruction project is coming along nicely. I’m in the process of dropping that brand into one that reflects myself and whatever projects I choose to endure. The new website is waiting on me to back up the WordPress database, switch over…

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  • I’ve Lost My Mojo*

    *No, this is not a reference to the ridiculous Austin Powers movie. These past 2-3 years have been difficult on myself and my family thanks to layoffs and an economy that went south real fast. To be even more honest, the situation here is degrading,…

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  • Hire me

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  • The Communications Toolbox

    I shared with you some of the software tools in my digital toolbox recently and today I will share how you and I can communicate with each other. I’ll go over some tools that you may or may not ever heard of yet as well…

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  • The Digital Toolbox

    I’m a big fan of having the right tools for the job and I wanted to take a moment to share what I have in my toolbox. Like every tool we use, it has to be comfortable and it has to be used as intended.…

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  • Daughters

    "Certain is it that there is no kind of affection so purely angelic as of a father to a daughter. In love to our wives there is desire; but to our daughters there is something which there are no words to express." —Joseph Addison

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