• Last Minute Gift Ideas

    Just in case you are a last minute shopper as I have been known to be, stress not at the thought of visiting the mall with all of the other slackers. These are but a few suggestions. Not for me of course, although I would…

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  • Scripture Sunday 12.20.09

    In celebration of the Christmas holiday this week, here is a very relevant passage. Below that are the lyrics to one of the only modern day Christmas songs I can actually stand and that is from Michael W. Smith’s “Welcome To Our World”. Luke 2:11…

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  • I've Been A Good Girl

    I’ve Been A Good Girl, originally uploaded by Photo Denbow.

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  • Elfing Ourselves

    Send your own ElfYourself eCards Merry Christmas!

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  • Birthday Video

    Disclaimer: I don’t know these people but wanted to thank them anyway for the birthday well wishes last week. Thanks! Happy Birthday, Chris! from John Denbow on Vimeo.

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  • The Art of Relaxation

    I had mentioned in a previous article about my desire to relieve stress from my world. I wanted to share some tools I have discovered that may be useful to others. I started off with my basic issue of sleep deprivation and discovered some great apps for…

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  • Where Ya Headed, Buddy?

    I hear this question a lot during interviews: “Where do you see yourself in five years?” Well five years might as well be fifty. At the pace our society and technology are going we need to shorten that down to a maximum of two years.…

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  • It’s My Birthday Today

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  • Scripture Sunday 12.06.09

    Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Every Sunday I’ll add some blessing and encouragement here starting today!

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  • Snow Day

    Snow Day, originally uploaded by Photo Denbow. Houston had a rare day today with the winter blast that hit us. We here on the third coast are not used to this or prepared for it. Daphne thoroughly enjoyed her first experience with it by helping…

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  • Stress Management & The Art Of Relaxation

    I had mentioned in a previous article about my desire to relieve stress from my world. I wanted to share some tools I have discovered that may be useful to others. I started off with my basic issue of sleep deprivation and discovered some great…

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  • The Art of Relaxation

    I had mentioned in a previous article about my desire to relieve stress from my world. I wanted to share some tools I have discovered that may be useful to others. I started off with my basic issue of sleep deprivation and discovered some great apps for…

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