• Novel Progress

    I have been an avid reader since I can remember, and that memory goes back quite the distance. And in that whole time I’ve always felt that there is a story for me to tell, something that hasn’t been written yet and it was up…

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  • The Art Of Un-Noticing

    One of my favorite writers, Rob Walker, has a brilliant book on my shelves (thanks, Mom) titled “The Art Of Noticing: 131 ways to spark creativity, find inspiration and discover joy in the everyday.” He also has an excellent weekly newsletter I subscribe to in…

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  • Two Essential Apps

    Day One- Over the previous ten years I have enjoyed using this journaling app and just re-subscribed. I appreciate the attention to logging every detail that may be used in context with, well, the text I input. Details such as the music I was listening…

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  • Novel Ideas

    I am slowly building out a separate web page dedicated to writing and I think I have it. The posts on this page is signaling intent on novels, short stories and series. First with tentative titles and an underlying premise. Only four are added with…

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  • Novel Ideas

    I have been an avid reader since I can remember, and that memory goes back quite the distance. And in that whole time I’ve always felt that there is a story for me to tell, something that hasn’t been written yet and it was up…

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  • Focused Writing

    I’m continually looking for methods to utilize my devices and software to maximize productivity and today I am focused on utilizing the M1 iPad Pro. Combined with the Magic Keyboard I’ve transformed this into a dedicated writing device, much like a typewriter. I’ve established the…

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  • Focused Writing

    I’m continually looking for methods to utilize my devices and software to maximize productivity and today I am focused on utilizing the M1 iPad Pro. Combined with the Magic Keyboard I’ve transformed this into a dedicated writing device, much like a typewriter. I’ve established the…

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  • News

    Hi! In case you are new around here, I am Chris. If you are new around here, here is something About Me and why you should read my newsletter. In this letter, I share what’s on my mind, my latest writings, articles worth reading from…

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  • Authentic Intelligence

    I’d like to put it out there to the World Wide Web right now- if I ever use artificial intelligence to write this website for me, I’ll shut it down first. But, until the damn thing grows arms, breasts and sentience, I’m in charge, so…

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  • Autodiadactism

    “Autodidacticism (also autodidactism) or self-education (also self-learning and self-teaching) is education without the guidance of masters (such as teachers and professors) or institutions (such as schools). Generally, autodidacts are individuals who choose the subject they will study, their studying material, and the studying rhythm and…

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  • Just For The Hell Of It

    I’ve been thinking a lot about what I do, what I want to do and understanding my motivations. Not sure if this is because I just turned 50 and may be having some kind of crisis. Doesn’t feel like it. I am learning how to…

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  • Digital vs Analog

    02-25-2023 Analog vs Digital I observed my Royal Scrittore typewriter collecting dust this morn g moring and thought I would give it a go. Two sentences in and my fingers hurt. Compare this tothe keyboard on my MacBook Pro where every key stroke is effortless…

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