
Upon further inspection of the Orion constellation image I took the other morning1 I noticed multiple nebulae. Had I remembered or even noticed, I would have broken out the tripod and opened up the shutter longer for a better shot. Here, the Horsehead and Flame nebulas are quite visible, as is the Orion Nebula to the lower right. I’ll try again on the return trip home.

  1. what day is it, I am evacuating Milton ↩︎


I was attempting to bulk send the novel draft to my Kindle for a read-through and somehow/someway I am missing four chapters. Gone. Attempting to recover if possible.

**Update** Crisis averted after relocating buried chapters.

On This Day

I just wrote and deployed a script to display “On This Day” for any/all of my previous articles on that given day. It can be found in the Archives section. When there is a day in the previous years I did not post, the script will read: “Nothing has ever happened on this day. Ever.

However, I was fairly busy on October 1st in the past according to this screenshot. 

On This Day

I just wrote and deployed a script to display “On This Day” for any/all of my previous articles on that given day. It can be found in the Archives section. When there is a day in the previous years I did not post, the script will read: “Nothing has ever happened on this day. Ever.

However, I was fairly busy on October 1st in the past according to this screenshot.