• Kindle Unlimited

    Let’s ignore the fact that I already plotted which novels I am going to read in 2024 and have more than enough, but what if some of those picks were duds and I wanted more? Well Amazon made me an offer I did not refuse…

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  • Rabbits

    Currently Reading: 12/26/2023 to ? https://literal.club/bookfox

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  • 2024 Reading Goals

    Every year I set goals on how many books I want to read in a year and end up exceeding them. In the upcoming 2024 new year, I am going to slow the pace down to savor and appreciate what I am reading. The titles…

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  • 2024 Reading Goals

    Every year I set goals on how many books I want to read in a year and end up exceeding them. In the upcoming 2024 new year, I am going to slow the pace down to savor and appreciate what I am reading. The titles…

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  • More Reading Hacks

    One of the biggest mistakes readers make is assuming that all books should be read from the first page to the last page in an unbroken sequence. For non-fiction books, learning is non-linear. Non-fiction books are for thinking, not reading, and context is king. Break…

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  • Reading Hacks

    RSS, or, Really Simple Syndication, is having a comeback moment for many people. I’ve used this invaluable web tool since 2005 to hack my reading workflow and highly suggest others pick this up. It’s a web feed that allows users and applications to access updates…

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  • Autodiadactism

    “Autodidacticism (also autodidactism) or self-education (also self-learning and self-teaching) is education without the guidance of masters (such as teachers and professors) or institutions (such as schools). Generally, autodidacts are individuals who choose the subject they will study, their studying material, and the studying rhythm and…

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  • Why Read?

    Fresh perspective. Escape. Different worlds. Answers to your questions. Ready to read at book store, library, dad’s bookshelf, online, offline, anywhere, everywhere. The answer you seek. Inspiration. Guaranteed to add points to your intelligence quotient. New skills added on an inexpensive budget. Endless pleasure. Books…

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  • Hacking A Reading Workflow

    You could say I enjoy reading. But what good is all of that time spent if I do not retain that input? I need a system for transforming reading into meaningful action and lasting insight. Auxiliary Activity- Other people would call this “hobby reading” but…

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  • The Internet Is Broken

    This was first posted on my website back on May 31, 2022, and I’ve added some new thoughts. Anyone else noticed that today’s WWW is insufferable? I don’t specifically know when it turned, or why most users became jerks, but I’ll go ahead and guess…

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  • Books

    Reading is a lifelong habit for me. I enjoy reading for pleasure as well as knowledge. To have access to both old and new knowledge in our hands is one of the greatest gifts we have accomplished together. The list of reading material below is…

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  • The Library

    Reading is a lifelong habit for me. I enjoy reading for pleasure as well as knowledge. To have access to both old and new knowledge in our hands is one of the greatest gifts we have accomplished together. The list of reading material below is…

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