• Personal Publishing Principles

    When’s the last time you went to an actual website to read a real article written by a human, without being slapped in the face by pop-ups, cookie warnings, ads, and lead-generating magnets? It’s past time to get back to the basics of the WWW.…

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  • Media Log

    “There is now a little question that how one uses one’s attention, moment to moment, largely determines what kind of person one becomes. Our minds, our lives are largely shaped by how we use them.” Sam Harris In other words, we are what we consume.…

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  • A Few Thoughts On…

    Creativity and imagination needs to be constantly fed. Reading is an anytime, anywhere pastime Slow down. Excuses delay the inevitable. Make time for good conversation. Apply what you know. Chase the knowledge. Organize your desk. Make yourself so good that they don’t want to let…

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  • Aggregate Your News

    One of the pillars of the internet , next to e-mail, is the personal, humble blog. You know, the social internet, not social media. Creators, writers, photographers, video hosts, and podcasters all need to put their works on a site that they own and fully…

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  • Reading Hacks

    I spent some time today to write a template script in Brainiac, my second brain, that will add metadata every time I want to review or take notes from a book. It’s simple but will save me a lot of time re-typing or cut/paste for…

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  • Well-Read

    “A book is a loaded gun in the house next door…Who knows who might be the target of the well-read man?” – Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451 So I’ve decided to chip away at my F#$k It list by tackling the easiest ones first. Small victories and all…

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