• Human Feeders

    I think it was Kleon who used the phrase “human bird feeders” to describe those places that attract and feed us. A Little Free Library certainly counts as a feeding place. We ventured out for some geocaching after lunch today and had a 2-for-1 special…

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  • You’ve Been Served

    Now that I am back home for a bit I can finally play around and setup the Mac Mini desktop computer as a standalone file server. “Minnie” is all setup to host and share any number of photos, music, videos and documents to any of…

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  • Death Before Inadequacy

    “Don’t be afraid of death so much as an inadequate life.” — Bertolt Brecht “Idleness makes hours pass slowly and years swiftly. Activity makes the hours short and the years long.” – Cesare Pavese

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  • Two Essential Apps

    Day One- Over the previous ten years I have enjoyed using this journaling app and just re-subscribed. I appreciate the attention to logging every detail that may be used in context with, well, the text I input. Details such as the music I was listening…

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  • Lunar New Year

    Last week I ventured out to celebrate the ancient “Chinese New Year”, and then realized that a majority of Asian nations also celebrate but collectively call it “Lunar New Year.” Parade on the Avenida de Americas in downtown Houston Dragon + Lion dances through the…

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  • Pause, Stop, Off.

    It is time for us to create a “television escape club” and it is past time to do whatever we want. During my work travels for the past 15 weeks, I rarely streamed any movies or shows. The hotel televisions gathered dust and I ignored…

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  • Now What?

    My first day back from work travel has already been a pretty full day. Lately, when these precious unscheduled hours present themselves, I usually suffer from paralysis of choice in deciding how to fill them. Hmm, what can I do… Read and nap. Or it’s…

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  • On Meditation

    The time to start taking care of myself is past due. Now that I have some time to focus on myself (not selfishly), I want to start with the simplest option and one of the most rewarding- meditation. A basic method is to focus your…

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  • Off Road

    Or, why I am done traveling for work Since October 2023, I have been traveling for work at a grand total of fifteen weeks. Fifteen weeks of lonely nights in cheap hotels, a measly per diem that allows for groceries and fast food only and…

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  • Reboot

    The idea of creating a brand new, anonymous digital identity was a good idea, until I decided it wasn’t. This wasn’t the first time I have flipped/flopped from a generic and private website, back to a domain with my own name in it. Currently it…

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  • Off Road

    Or, why I am done traveling for work Since October 2023, I have been traveling for work at a grand total of fifteen weeks. Fifteen weeks of lonely nights in cheap hotels, a measly per diem that allows for groceries and fast food only and…

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  • Lunar New Year Photos

    Chinese dance troupe inside the Houston Galleria Asia Town/International District/Houston/Texas Red envelopes filled with small money bills are gifts to signify wealth & prosperity for the new year Traditional Chinese dancers street festival sights, sounds and smells While writing this I was listening to:

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