• 3/3 GHR Check-In!

    Time to review my progress from this past month. This is the 11th annual attempt at creating life-long habits for myself. I’ve discovered that because of the after the end-of-year holidays I am not mentally or physically capable of sticking with resolutions for the upcoming…

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  • Problem Solving

    Find a solution If that doesn’t work, try another one. Repeat step two or until luck strikes.

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  • Offline

    Since I am no longer subscribed to an internet service at home, I have been relying on public WiFi and my phone’s hot spot. This has been challenging for me, especially since I need a connection for my continuing education. I just remembered today that…

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  • Feed Me

    Why is it that we enlightened humans can’t figure out how to feed ourselves properly? Every other species on this planet can do this except us.

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  • Now Developing

    Picking up the Python programming language is going smoother than most of the other languages I have attempted to learn so far. If I am going to become a full stack developer I need to get in the habit of using best practices such as……

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  • Limits

    This past week I have relocated to a new home. A home without Internet service. For the first time since 1996 I do not have an ISP and it feels like I am in the damned dark ages. How is it possible for me to…

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  • Unusually Ordinary

    If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary. – Jim Rohn

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  • Groundhog Resolution Day 2019!

    Its that time of year again. The 11th annual attempt at creating life-long habits for myself. I’ve discovered that because of the after the end-of-year holidays I am not mentally or physically capable of sticking with resolutions for the upcoming new year. I need a…

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  • Procrastinate

    If at first you don’t succeed give up immediately. Move on to something else until that becomes unbearable. Then circle back to the first problem. By now, your subconscious will have worked on it and you are ready to go. 

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  • What I Know

    I don’t know much but I do know… Tomorrow is never guaranteed. Make misteaks. Make more mistakes. Spontaneity. Alcohol will never love you back. Don’t gamble if you are pissed at losing $20. Put your phone away. Are people happy when you walk in or…

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  • Wasted Time

    “It is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it. Life is long enough, and a sufficiently generous amount has been given to us for the highest achievements if it were all well invested.” – Seneca

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  • New Year Old Me “ I wanted to start over. I wanted a new life. The trouble was, I brought myself with me.” – Dean Ford

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