• Second Brain

    A few months ago I stumbled upon the terms “bi-directional links”, “back links”, and “networked thought.” All designed to enhance research and note-taking. Since then I’ve installed two new productivity apps to help with my research. More later as I do a deep dive into…

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  • Migration Update

    Eight days ago I began the process of switching from a self-hosted WordPress setup for my website to becoming hosted on WordPress’ own servers. The process was understandably delayed due to the chrisdenbow.com domain name switching over. That process has been completed and just about…

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  • The Web Log

    The site ChrisDenbow.com has been published in several iterations over the past twenty years. The domain name has been changed a few times in failed attempts to “rebrand” briefly but the heart and soul has remained true. Twenty years. Social media (web 2.0), in its…

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  • Write To Learn

    I don’t write because I have the answers. I write so I can get the answer.

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  • Khmer Empire Hypothesis

    Since my research on the Khmer empire of Cambodia seems to be in a bit of a lull right now and have been unable to articulate it into text properly, I want to go ahead and put my hypothesis out in public. I have yet…

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  • You’ll Never Forget Your First Time

    I have yet to write a novel or publish a short story but I did submit an article online and received payment for it. The more eyeballs that read it, the more revenue will come in. Now, it isn’t a lot of money, in fact,…

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  • Just Do It

    Most people aren’t prepared to start a career in writing. Writing may be a gift in some of us but not all of us. Forming words into sentences and arranging those sentences in such a way as to not be boring can be a real…

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  • Keep Calm And Carry On

    With all the distractions going on during these current events (Wuhan virus) it can be difficult to focus on anything else. However, I believe doing what we do best can be very beneficial. By creating and doing the things we enjoy, it will help us…

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  • Enjoying The Process

    Long before my beautiful daughter was born I was heavily interested in photography. I used a compact point and shoot Fuji to bring in the new millennium. Then upgraded to a more robust featured Olympus with optical zoom. All of this was used as a…

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  • Blog Death Is Greatly Exaggerated

    “RIP blogging we all tried real hard to make the internet good and then corporations and rich idiots destroyed everything a generation of writers tried to build” And “there’s almost no space for writing anymore that’s joyful or an attempt to be creative. hardly anyone…

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  • 100 Word Story- Eviscerate

    Clint logged into his account and began to pour out his thoughts and feelings that consumed him that day. After reviewing this draft he decided it was time to share with the world and pressed “send.” After awhile Clint received notifications from the site that…

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  • Faulkner House

    While traveling through Pirates Alley by Jackson Square in New Orleans, I finally discovered the Faulkner House, a literary landmark where future Nobel Laureate William Faulkner penned his first novel. Other authors such as Ernest Hemingway were known to have stayed there for a time…

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