• If This Then That

    If you’re overthinking, write. If you’re underthinking, read.

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  • Write Right

    Write, then edit. Quality comes from quantity. And it is true to write about what you know. But the extra bonus comes from doing the research and fun of writing about what solely exists in your mind.

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  • NANOWRIMO 2021

    It’s November 1 and it’s time for National Novel Writing Month again. Its also time for me to have lofty goals and actually produce something by the end of the month. NANOWRIMO’s stated goal is 50,000 words in a month. Probably not going to happen,…

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  • 15

    I’ve been writing and self-hosting images online for fifteen years now. What I enjoy about blogging is the potential for infinite writing and posting. With digital photography I can shoot and post an infinite amount of images. The ability to host one’s own publishing house…

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  • IA Writer vs. Ulysses

    So one of my favorite writing apps, Ulysses, is up for the annual subscription renewal. At $50 a year, it is one of the pricier apps and I am not keen to renew as a result. Yes, it organizes my novel writing workflow better than…

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  • Change My Mind

    To change my own mind. I try to create a new vocabulary or terrain for myself, so that I open out — I always think of the Dutch claiming land from the sea — or open up something that would have been closed to me…

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  • My Own Publishing House

    Assembling the proper tools for creative writing has been a tiresome but crucial process And after all these years of experimenting with various programs and platforms I think I am there. I’ve been searching for ways to increase my productivity and also more efficient, organized.…

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  • Read/Write/Learn

    “If you think you can learn a lot from reading books, try writing one.” James Clear

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  • The Benefits Of Writing

    Write to connect with the similar people Write to create opportunities Write to define your goals Write to meditate Write to think better Write to teach and clarify Write to deepen your focus Write to understand yourself

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  • Curate To Create

    If you are like me, hoarding content for future use, it can give off a false sense of knowledge. In my experience, the best way to understand something is to create or produce my content in my style and then share it with the world.…

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  • It’s Time To Write

    Every November for the past few years there comes inspiration from an organization called NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month. The goal is to write 50,000 words that month in hopes of cranking out a novel. I’m good for about two days out of the…

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