• Write

    Write something. Writer’s block? Write about that. Wright now. Wright later. Write when you don’t want to. Write when you do. Write with the keyboard. Write with pen & paper. Write when the hot tea cools down a little. Write in between sips of whiskey.…

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    As promised, I’ve been writing almost daily during National Novel Writing Month (NANOWRIMO). But to be honest, most of it seems to be for the website.

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  • Writing Something/Anything

    November is the time of year for three things. Thanksgiving No-Shave November Novel writing I’ll be giving thanks on the road this year. I did the no-shave thing in October until it got irritating and out of control I suppose there is only one of…

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  • Ulysses vs IA Writer

    I love how both apps are compatible with Mac/iOS and sync with iCloud. However, as of now, I cannot post to WordPress from the Ulysses app. I think it is being blocked by my web server. But how is IA Writer able to do publish…

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  • Priority Shift

    It is fast approaching that time of year again. November is designated as National Novel Writing Month with their stated goal being 50,000 words a month into a novel. I love the concept but it isn’t practical for me so of course I’ll be hacking…

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  • And Then…

    …the realization that Missadventures had polished off one bottle and cracked open another before you could.

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  • 2:22am

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  • Hibernation

    2019 was a great year for my portrait photography. There are so many creative, beautiful people out there and it was great to work with them but I need a break. I’m hanging up the camera for portrait photography to focus on personal photography and…

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  • In Appreciation Of Web 1.0

    I used to enjoy the internet. There was a time when it was something to be explored (Microsoft’s Internet Explorer browser was aptly named but poorly executed, by the way.) Back then there were standards and protocols but still the wild frontier. The www was…

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  • Khmer Empire Antiquities Part II

    In May 2019 I had the opportunity to explore the Art Institute of Chicago and Field Museum to research and analyze the ancient Khmer empire artifacts from Cambodia as research for an upcoming book. It was my delight to explore similar artifacts from this Labor…

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  • 7/7 GHR Check-In

    This is my fifth month. How am I doing so far? Time to review my progress from this past month. This is the 11thannual attempt at creating life-long habits for myself. I’ve discoveredthat because of the after the end-of-year holidays I am not mentally orphysically…

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  • Write Drunk, Edit Sober

    In writing a novel or even a short story the concept is there but the execution is not. Maybe I should follow along with the above quote? The quote is attributed to Ernest Hemingway as his inspiration for cranking out his works. Then again, he…

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