• Oops

    11:30am- While searching for a way to export this blog to plain and markdown text files (future-proofing), I installed a script that my webserver did not like. The memory usage spiked real high real fast. I logged into the back end, removed the offensive script,…

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  • Bad Apple

    Overall I am enjoying the full conversion to the Apple ecosystem but have been noticing some frustrations lately. These are minor issues, certainly not deal breakers but I do wish they played nice with others. Apple Music The ability to stream and control music on…

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  • Breathe App- Apple Watch

    Included with the Apple Watch is the Breathe app. As Apple itself describes it: The Breathe app guides you through a series of deep breaths, and it reminds you to take time to breathe every day. Choose how long you want to breathe, then let…

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  • Goodbye Amazon

    As an Amazon.com charter member since it was created in 1994, it pains me to have been so frustrated and ultimately close the account. Too many missed deliveries and botched orders lately. After downloading and converting my e-books so I can use them on any…

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  • Apple Books vs Amazon Kindle

    I have never owned a dedicated reading tablet such as a Kindle. Thankfully, Amazon has created the Kindle app that can be used on every device. Using this app for years on both the Android and iOS platforms has been great because my purchases have…

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  • Laptops For The Win

    Almost a year ago I purchased a refurbished Macbook Air for 1/2 the cost of the original price and ditched the Windows platform altogether. This was the last piece of the Apple eco system of connected machines I needed to perform my best work. Lately…

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  • More JOMO

    Yesterday I wrote about the Joy Of Missing Out and technology so I wanted to follow up with how technology can enhance this joy of missing out. These are super beneficial to me: Airplane mode Noise cancelling headphones Call screening Pop up and ad blockers…

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  • JOMO

    If you were anyway plugged into social media and internet culture the past few years you are familiar with the acronym phrase “Fear Of Missing Out” or FOMO. Wherein people are constantly plugged in and engaged with what every one else is doing or posting…

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  • Goodbye Instagram

    Yes, again. For good. I’m done. Reasons to follow at a later post.

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  • InstaDelete

    No, I didn’t delete the Instagram account but I did remove it from my phone as a discipline test. A little over a year ago I was in the same mood. Funny how IG keeps bringing people back.

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  • Digital Rights

    I’ve been thinking about this subject recently. Our digital purchases are not really ours.

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  • Airplane Mode

    I experimented today by going radio silent. No calls, texts or distractions. I even put my phone in my coat pocket and forgot about it. No regrets.

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