• Social Web vs Social Media

    I’ve been online since 1996, and have seen so many websites come and go. Remember Geocities and chat rooms? Those were the places to be, until they weren’t. A few years later and they were shut down. Your online friends were deleted. After those there…

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  • The Anti-Library

    The writer Umberto Eco belongs to that small class of scholars who are encyclopedic, insightful, and nondull. He is the owner of a large personal library (containing thirty thousand books), and separates visitors into two categories: those who react with “Wow! Signore professore dottore Eco,…

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  • iPad vs MacBook

    Having been a computer power user for decades, I am giving serious consideration to selling my MacBook for an iPad Pro. Over this period of time, originally with Windows, then Linux and now Mac, I am growing tired of managing these operating systems and want…

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  • DAM It

    The photo organization goals (Digital Asset Management) just took a setback as I rediscovered zipped files from Google Photos’ Takeout service. When I closed my Google accounts I had the option of retrieving all of my photos from the past 10 years that have been…

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  • Apple One

    Another new product was just released that combines all of Apple’s services in one, cost-saving bundle for me. I opted for the $30 a month, everything package which includes the soon-to-be released, Apple Fitness service. Paired with an Apple Watch it will automagically track your…

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  • iPhone 12 Pro

    This is the first year I purchased the newest iPhone on launch day since I converted to iPhone over Android six years ago. It was a thrill to open that box and see the premium stainless steel, glass back, the ceramic shield screen and that…

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  • You Are Invisible To Me

    Did you know that almost every website you view has anywhere from 2-30 tracking codes that report all sorts of data known about you? I’ve been taking steps to shield my privacy and in turn, have always tried to reduce it here on my website…

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  • Second Brain

    A few months ago I stumbled upon the terms “bi-directional links”, “back links”, and “networked thought.” All designed to enhance research and note-taking. Since then I’ve installed two new productivity apps to help with my research. More later as I do a deep dive into…

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  • Goodbye Microsoft

    Once again I have made the cleansing act of deleting another web service, this time it is Microsoft. Microsoft is the latest service that follows Google, Amazon, Facebook and more. This means that I am all-in for Apple hardware and it’s software. Ahhh.

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  • Migration Update

    Eight days ago I began the process of switching from a self-hosted WordPress setup for my website to becoming hosted on WordPress’ own servers. The process was understandably delayed due to the chrisdenbow.com domain name switching over. That process has been completed and just about…

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  • The Web Log

    The site ChrisDenbow.com has been published in several iterations over the past twenty years. The domain name has been changed a few times in failed attempts to “rebrand” briefly but the heart and soul has remained true. Twenty years. Social media (web 2.0), in its…

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  • Migration

    After some frustrating technical issues with software, I have decided to transfer from a self-hosted server website to being fully hosted and supported by the WordPress platform. I have exported all previous posts from old server and imported to the new server beautifully. Now I…

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