• Time Well Spent

    It is almost the end of the year and the end of another decade. But for me a new day starts when I wake up, not at midnight. Nothing changes except the time. My memorable time stamps occur during meaningful, personal moments. January 1 is…

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  • Rest

    I slept most of the last weekend of 2019. It was cold, wet and dreary with even a tornado warning for the area. But I did have time to reflect on the benefits and variations of rest. I remembered that rest can mean different things…

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  • Little Room

    Well, you’re in your little room and you’re working on something good but if it’s really good you’re gonna need a bigger room and when you’re in the bigger room you might not know what to do you might have to think of how you…

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  • The Warmth Of December

    December is a cold, dark and depressing-looking month for me here in Oklahoma. I’m expected to maintain a busy schedule at a time when energy levels are low. So I am finding it important to let go over this year’s past burdens. While I’m at…

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  • Walk It Out

    Simply walk. The earth is a big place and there is plenty of walking to be done. I belong here. It is who I am. There are many different ways I try to incorporate walking. I am walking to work more frequently. I would walk…

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  • SAD

    Right around that first hint of cold weather in early November and then the time change I decided I would have to learn to work around the seasonal affective disorder (SAD) that typically effects me. Because I currently live in a state where the dormant…

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  • New Perspectives

    Career How can I maximize job satisfaction and enhance employability? Health Boost meditation, exercise, diet, sleep (MEDS) Finance Shift from standard of living towards quality of life Relationships Focus and attention towards those that need it most Contribute Wherever I can Fun Planet Earth is…

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  • Lifestyle

    New goals don’t deliver new results. New lifestyles do. A lifestyle is not an outcome, it is a process. For this reason, all of your energy should go into building better habits, not chasing better results.

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  • Daily

    Read daily Walk and think daily Write daily Meditate frequently Be grateful daily Enjoy isolation Shoot daily Start now

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  • Perfectly Imperfect

    Ever since I switched from film photography to digital (2001) it seems like there was this mad desire to shoot the sharpest, balanced images. New cameras carried newer sensors to help compensate. Shortly after the conversion though, a lot of us played around with digital…

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  • Blog Death Is Greatly Exaggerated

    “RIP blogging we all tried real hard to make the internet good and then corporations and rich idiots destroyed everything a generation of writers tried to build” And “there’s almost no space for writing anymore that’s joyful or an attempt to be creative. hardly anyone…

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  • We Were Made For This

    A man’s true delight is to do the things he was made for. He was made to show goodwill to his kind, to rise above the promptings of his senses, to distinguish appearances from realities, and to pursue the study of universal Nature and her…

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