• Never

    Never have I dealt with anything more difficult than my own soul

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  • More JOMO

    Yesterday I wrote about the Joy Of Missing Out and technology so I wanted to follow up with how technology can enhance this joy of missing out. These are super beneficial to me: Airplane mode Noise cancelling headphones Call screening Pop up and ad blockers…

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  • JOMO

    If you were anyway plugged into social media and internet culture the past few years you are familiar with the acronym phrase “Fear Of Missing Out” or FOMO. Wherein people are constantly plugged in and engaged with what every one else is doing or posting…

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  • I have this thing for black and white images. I have a thing for black and chrome things too.

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  • Time Out

    36.37297, -95.80060

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  • Growth

    One simple thing I’ve noticed after reviewing my previous year’s resolutions is how many things that blossom and bear fruit in one year that were planted as seeds years before. (Maybe even longer) It makes me wonder how many of those seeds are sprouting right…

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  • 11 Month Journey

    It’s that time of year again! The 12th annual intent at creating life-long habits for myself (formerly known as Ground Hog Resolution Day). I’ve discovered that because of the after the end-of-year holidays I am not mentally or physically capable of sticking with resolutions for…

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  • A Very Good Question

    Overheard in the office: “If you did not have to sleep, how would you spend your extra 8 hours?”

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  • Focus

    Focus is the art of knowing what to ignore.

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  • Updates

    Reading is like a software update for your brain.

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  • Routine Maintenance

    Let’s face it; I will never run a marathon or a triathlon. I will never climb a rock face any higher than 100’ again. I am not an extreme athlete and have no desire to be one. Once my child was born it stopped being…

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  • No One Else’s Rules Apply

    Every time you come to a fork in the road, don’t think. Automatically take the harder route, and pretty soon you’re off on someplace of your own, and no one else’s rules apply.

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