It’s November 1 and it’s time for National Novel Writing Month again. Its also time for me to have lofty goals and actually produce something by the end of the month. NANOWRIMO’s stated goal is 50,000 words in a month. Probably not going to happen,…

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  • Photo Denbow

    Yeah, I gave the photo website a makeover again. This time I turned it into more of a photo blog instead of a portfolio. Chances are I will convert it back based on whatever whim I feel at the moment. But for now, you can…

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  • Neon Nights

    Apparently my latest photo passion is capturing those beautiful neon lights. The more unique the better to me. If you’d like to see these and more when I add to the collection, click here for my photo website, Photo Denbow.

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  • Less Books, More Reading

    A few days ago I mentioned I am back in minimalist mode. I want to reduce the amount of possessions, or stuff that I do not need and appreciate what I have. I want to make everything I have useful and appreciate it. I’ve had…

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  • mnmlist

    I caught the minimalism bug again. I recently decided to create a list of all the things that no longer served their purpose in an attempt to declutter and called it the mnmlist. Get it? I emptied my bookcase of everything except sixteen books. Seven…

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  • The Library

    After scanning the website and cleaning up some design code, I came across the Library page. It has been neglected and needed a good dusting off. So of course I neglected it again but that will change soon as I also rediscovered an e-book resource…

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  • Salvitur Ambulando

    The moment my legs begin to move my thoughts begin to flow. Henry Thoreau

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  • Max

    I know, I know. I recently mentioned that I was content with the iPhone 12 but you know what? Those camera upgrades on the 13 Pro Max were just too tempting. I looked at upgrading the iPhone 12 to the as-yet-to-be-released 13 next week. You…

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  • Smokin’

    I bought my first tobacco pipe almost two years ago but noticed shortly after that the varnish was getting worn. I finally decided to strip, sand, shape, stain, coat and polish and I couldn’t be more pleased with the results.

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  • Apple iPhone 4s On Display

    The 4S from Grid is a piece of artwork made up of the individual parts of an old iPhone 4S put on display. Around forty pieces, the components are individually placed and glued on a white background, complete with measurements and labels so you know…

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  • Contentment

    Satisfaction and technology for me is rare. When it comes to gadgets, I long to have the latest and greatest, especially with a personal computer, or camera. For far too long though, I’ve had to make do with the minimum, the cheapest, the hodge-lodge collection…

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  • Cult Of Mac

    These devices are used daily. Most of my work comes from these beautifully designed tools. It’s fair to say that after years of frustration with Windows and Android, I am drinking the Apple-flavored kool-aid.

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